Obama presses Congress to vote on gun-control measures

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Obama presses Congress to vote on gun-control measures

By Jordy Yager - 03/23/13 06:00 AM ET

President Obama in his weekly address urged both chambers of Congress to hold a vote on a series of gun-control measures, including the controversial assault weapons ban and a limit on magazine sizes.

“These ideas shouldn’t be controversial — they’re common sense,” Obama said. “They’re supported by a majority of the American people. And I urge the Senate and the House to give each of them a vote.”

Referencing the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that killed 20 children and six adults three months ago, Obama on Saturday also pressed lawmakers to pass legislation that would make it harder for criminals and people with mentally illnesses to buy guns by expanding the national background check system.

“Right now, we have a real chance to reduce gun violence in America, and prevent the very worst violence,” he said. “We have a unique opportunity to reaffirm our tradition of responsible gun ownership, and also do more to keep guns out of the hands of criminals or people with a severe mental illness.

"We’ve made progress over the last three months, but we’re not there yet. And in the weeks ahead, I hope members of Congress will join me in finishing the job — for our communities and, most importantly, for our kids.”

Earlier this week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) pledged to hold a vote on gun legislation when the Senate returns from its Easter recess.

Reid said the bill would include three provisions that have been reported by the Senate Judiciary Committee: a measure requiring background checks of nearly every gun sale, including most private purchases; a measure that would provide $40 million in grants to schools for security upgrades; and a measure increasing penalties for people who purchase guns on behalf of people barred from buying them.

The background check bill that is currently scheduled for the Senate to vote on is sponsored by Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and was reported by Democrats along party lines. The measure would require background checks for all private gun sales, except those between immediate family members.

Republicans say that gun sales between friends should also be exempt. They also object to a requirement for the seller to keep a record of the purchase.

Reid said he hoped that ongoing talks between Republicans and Democrats attempting to agree on a bipartisan version of a background check bill would progress over the break. The Democratic leader said he would be open to replacing the Schumer bill with a new bipartisan measure if they reached a consensus.

A vote on amendments banning assault weapons, high capacity magazines, and new mental health provisions is also expected, according to Reid.

The House has not moved on any major gun legislation this year and has put the onus on the upper chamber to act first. The assault weapons ban is not expected to pass Congress because of Republican opposition to the measure.

Read more: Obama presses Congress to vote on assault weapons ban - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
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no respect whatsoever for our bill of rights, the constitution, or America at all. And people just eat it up.
2014 will not come soon enough, I can not wait to vote against his cronies, again.

The guy(obumer) is so stupid that its pathetic.Youre not going to keep guns out of the criminals hands.If they want one theyre going to get one.

they dont buy them at gun shows or any other normal channels. you dont see a bunch a tweekers or gangbangers
walkin around the shows or shops scattered around the nation. The guns criminals use are usually stolen.

If you cant buy one on the street you take ten bucks to home depot and buy 4 parts and make your own:laughing9:

I think there is more to this then we think. To-nite Blumburg was on national News claiming we will get a vote one way or another. Now this dude I'm sure has it in mind to pay for these votes in 2014 re election . He takes on the NRA chief tomorrow on Face the nation.

The guy(obumer) is so stupid that its pathetic.Youre not going to keep guns out of the criminals hands.If they want one theyre going to get one.
Red, it's not stupidity...don't ever think that....it's a plan, and the first step is to get our guns. The crunch time is coming...primarily because of the debt problem. By the time it gets here, they want the guns under control. It's that simple.

It is a tiring process, but it is our right. And they do listen, they want to keep their jobs.

I think there is more to this then we think. To-nite Blumburg was on national News claiming we will get a vote one way or another. Now this dude I'm sure has it in mind to pay for these votes in 2014 re election . He takes on the NRA chief tomorrow on Face the nation.

This Blumburg is sure enough a nut! If he has his way not will New Yorkers have to ask for permission to drink a Coca-Cola, but ALL AMERICANS WILL HAVE TO ASK HIS PERMISSION!! And guess what else? If he has his way we will be unarmed and his armed thugs will enforce our strict behavior!! Is that the life you want???? I'll ask again IS THAT THE LIFE YOU WANT!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT?? I can't hear you!! just listen to him speak!!! He makes no bones about it,,,he wants to rule us!!! wake up!!!

Red, it's not stupidity...don't ever think that....it's a plan, and the first step is to get our guns. The crunch time is coming...primarily because of the debt problem. By the time it gets here, they want the guns under control. It's that simple.

Dont worry Jim I know its a plan:icon_thumright:I'm saying he's stupid because he thinks everybody falls for it hook line and sinker.

what % of the people fought for liberty during the Revolution?

what % of the people fought for liberty during the Revolution?

WOW!!!!! you asked a question I did not know! The answer I found by "google search" SHOCKED ME~!! Only 3% percent fought!! Only 3% !!! Only 20% supported those 3% and by the end of the war 30% fought for the British!!!! Truely SHOCKING!!!! I thank my God that my Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather fought for the AMERICANS!!

0222121651a.webpI attempted to post the picture with the above post in referenece to only 3% fighting the British for our freedom....This is the Tombstone of my Great-Great-Great-Great Grandfather!!

Dern, I thought it was 9%. Proud to call you a fellow patriot, and thankful for your grandpa. Hey didn't Tyrells family fight
in the Revolution?

Dern, I thought it was 9%. Proud to call you a fellow patriot, and thankful for your grandpa. Hey didn't Tyrells family fight
in the Revolution?

Yeah the Sackett's always fought for The USA, even during the Civil War,,,,their only mistake.haha...Should have been for the Confederacy as they always lived in the South!!LOL

Dern, I thought it was 9%. Proud to call you a fellow patriot, and thankful for your grandpa. Hey didn't Tyrells family fight
in the Revolution?
Come fightin time there is always a Sackett in the mix . Just ask Tell :icon_thumright:

"did you read him from the book?"" nope just showed him the pictures." paraphrase

p.s. what side did the clinch mt Sacketts fight for?

I know this is the 2nd Amendment Forum , but our guns are only a stumbling block . One World Order requires all nations to be equal . It would be impossible to bring all 3rd world countries up to the American standard of living , so they have to bring the US down to other world standards . American citizens are'nt going to willingly allow that to happen , so our guns have to go first . Then the slippery slope becomes a sheet of ice ...................:BangHead:

p.s. what side did the clinch mt Sacketts fight for?

I'm pretty sure that they fought for The South,,,,remember our homes where invaded here in the South, it is better known as The War of Northern Aggression!! Does anything here sound like 2013??? Homes invaded,,,aggression,,,hmmmmm????

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