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Jul 27, 2006
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Posted 10.25.13 by Todd Cefaratti, Editor of TPNN

While Americans witness failures all across the board in government, the Obama Administration continues to duck and dodge responsibility at a time when Americans need answers and accountability, not tired excuses.

The Obama Administration, whenever possible, works to tie together seemingly incongruous narratives that desperately attempts to place blame on political opponents to escape accountability.

Though the president’s desk once held a sign that boasted, “The Buck Stops Here,” the new motto of the presidency is, “This disaster is everyone else’s fault but mine!”


The Obama Administration has been continually attempting to reassure Americans that the NSA Scandal is not the overreaching government surveillance that documents seem to show.

On Friday, the plot thickened when the Guardian reported that an internal NSA memo leaked by former NSA employee Edward Snowden monitored the phone calls of high-ranking world leaders and diplomats. The Guardianreported,

“The National Security Agency monitored the phone conversations of 35 world leaders after being given the numbers by an official in another US government department, according to a classified document provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden.

The confidential memo reveals that the*NSA*encourages senior officials in its ‘customer’ departments, such as the White House, State and the Pentagon, to share their “Rolodexes” so the agency can add the phone numbers of leading foreign politicians to their*surveillance*systems.

The document notes that one unnamed US official handed over 200 numbers, including those of the 35 world leaders, none of whom is named. These were immediately ‘tasked’ for monitoring by the*NSA.”

German chancellor Angela Merkel has accused to the Obama Administration of tapping her cell phone. Merkel reportedly made a furious call to the White House to ask if her phone had been tapped.

When not bowing down to our international enemies, the Obama Administration is apparently okay with betraying our allies by bugging their communications. Great.

On Friday, as America’s allies fumed, Secretary of State John Kerry spoke at the liberal think tank, the Center for American Progress, to discuss “the importance of America’s leadership in the world.”

While he spoke to the crowd, Secretary of State completely omitted the international crisis created by America’s betrayal of diplomats and stressed that America’s importance in the international community was hindered by- you guessed it- the government shutdown.

“I wanted to reflect on the damage that events like the one we’ve just been through can do to the esteem in which the United States is held in the world,” Kerry said. “The shutdown, and the dysfunction, and the simplistic dialogue that came with it, didn’t impress anyone about the power of America’s example.”

No, the damage done to America’s image has nothing to do with the complete foreign policy failures in Benghazi, in Syria, in Egypt or with Russia. It has nothing to do with our domestic policies geared towards creating fiscal insolvency and unsustainable debt.

No, the*real*problem that tarnishes America is the government shutdown that arose when the Tea Party finally had had enough.


If Obama’s scandalous administration wants to restore even a shred of credibility, they need to begin taking responsibility for their actions.

Obama: Friend to Our Enemies, Eavesdropper to Our Friends - Tea Party Headlines by TheTeaParty.net

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Aren't we so proud of him...

How many more years now?

That is, if we even survive as a free country

TH..............he said he didn't know "his" NSA was doing this so he is totally innocent. He doesn't know what they are doing, he doesn't know what the IRS is doing, he doesn't know what his military is doing, he doesn't know what obamacare is doing etc., etc. What are we paying this guy for, his leadership skills? This isn't ACORN.

he said he didn't know "his" NSA was doing this so he is totally innocent. He doesn't know what they are doing, he doesn't know what the IRS is doing, he doesn't know what his military is doing, he doesn't know what obamacare is doing etc., etc

I guess out of all this we can conclude that he doesnt even know what he's doing.

German chancellor Angela Merkel has accused to the Obama Administration of tapping her cell phone. Merkel reportedly made a furious call to the White House to ask if her phone had been tapped.

I wondered when someone couldn't resist taking a pot shot at this one.

There is nothing new in this story.

Surveillance on our allies has always been going on, just has surveillance BY our allies has always been going on. It is, and always has been, a fact of life. No nations' intel structure is waiting for answers from UPS.

There will be calls for investigations, investigations, professions of surprise, pretended outrage, and the inevitable media splash - posturing. All to deflect attention from this necessary intel.

But at the end of the day, it's just how this business is done. And always will be.


Obama is the most clue-less president EVER. According to him and his staff has no knowledge of anything that is happening in his administration. Apparently nobody tells him anything, except what to say in front of the camera.

either this, or he is a liar.

Obama is the most clue-less president EVER. According to him and his staff has no knowledge of anything that is happening in his administration. Apparently nobody tells him anything, except what to say in front of the camera.

either this, or he is a liar.

This has been the standard posture of all presidents. As a matter of fact, it has to be.

I don't know how anyone can listen to Obama articulate thoughts and find him clueless. He is obviously very bright.

I think he is very bright! He reads the prompter very well, and he said he was going to fundamentally change the country to start with..

I think he is very bright! He reads the prompter very well, and he said he was going to fundamentally change the country to start with..

Well, some things need changing - like Congress.

Well, some things need changing - like Congress.

Very true! Then the country might have a chance! But if the BO were to be evicted we would be stuck with "The Biden".???

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