Obama: Al-Qaeda Just Wants to Live in Peace

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Obama: Al-Qaeda Just Wants to Live in Peace

President pushes to aid Syrian rebels who are led by the al-Nusra Front

Kit Daniels
September 11, 2013

President Barack Obama suggested yesterday that the Syrian opposition, dominated by al-Qaeda militants including those who killed American troops in Iraq, “just want to live in peace with dignity and freedom.”

During his Sept. 10 speech from the White House on Syria, Obama pressed his case for the U.S. to enter the Syrian civil war on the side of the rebels, who are being led by Jabhat al-Nusra, the direct offshoot of Al-Qaeda in Iraq now described as the “most effective fighting force in Syria.”

“The majority of the Syrian people — and the Syrian opposition we work with — just want to live in peace, with dignity and freedom,” he said.

In the past year, the al-Nusra Front has emerged as the best equipped, motivated and financed opposition to Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian government, pushing out the more secular factions of the Free Syrian Army.

Al-Qaeda fighters from all over the Middle East are flooding into Syria to fill the void left by the secular opposition who lack the weapons and supplies to continue fighting.

In fact, at least since May the FSA has lost fighters and resources to the al-Nusra Front, turning the civil war into a battle between Islamic extremists and Assad’s forces.

Even the noncombatant anti-Assad activists are fleeing Syria to avoid being killed by al-Qaeda fighters as the al-Nusra Front conquers city after city in the country.

“Our city has changed and I cannot wear my normal clothes,” Khoula Alrafe, a secular Syrian activist said after al-Qaeda took control of Ar-Raqqah. “I’m forced to cover myself.”

“I no longer feel it’s my hometown.”

Last year, U.S. Army Lt. Col. Shaffer (ret.) revealed that Turkey partnered with the CIA to depose Assad.

The late U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens, worked with Saudi Arabia to coordinate the recruitment of North African jihadists who were then armed by CIA agents in southern Turkey before being sent into Syria.

Due to the great conflict between Sunni and Shia Muslims, both Turkey and Saudi Arabia, dominated by Sunnis, are motivated to topple the Alawite Shia Syrian government in an overthrow that could also bring trillions of dollars in oil revenue to both Sunni countries.

Saudi Arabia has even offered to fund the U.S. military’s involvement in Syria, turning our troops into de facto mercenaries.

“With respect to Arab countries offering to bear costs and to assess, the answer is profoundly yes,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said in a recent hearing. “They have. That offer is on the table.”

Ambassador Stevens was murdered one year ago today in an attack on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya which was connected to an arms transfer between the CIA and al-Qaeda mercenaries in Syria.

President Obama, who believes he is the President of the “world’s oldest constitutional democracy” (the U.S. was founded as a republic), also mentioned in his speech that Americans have asked him “Why should we get involved at all in a place that’s so complicated, and where those who come after Assad may be enemies of human rights?”

Someone should ask Obama why we have been arming and sending these militants to Syria in the first place.

This article was posted: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 4:34 pm

Tags: domestic news, foreign affairs, government corruption, terrorism, war

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“The majority of the Syrian people — and the Syrian opposition we work with — just want to live in peace, with dignity and freedom,” he said.

so, he didn't actually say it about al qaeda? just to be accurate

so, he didn't actually say it about al qaeda? just to be accurate

Who is the Syrian opposition?Think a minute,did you grasp it yet?Ohhhhhhhhh its al qaeda.

could be, but your title intimated that he said so. you were misleading

yeah you not getting logic, imagine that

So they want to live in peace. Well, let's help them Rest In Peace instead...

This thread should be the,Jeffers and RJC debate thread..entertaining! !

Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 4

i go home after work and shut the door. dont much care bout the world

All sides stop the insults and implied insults...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I read it all...watched the silly vids, not one mention by president Obama, or anyone in the administration, stating what the thread title suggests.

more smear campaign.

Obozo smears himself enough,he doesnt need help from anybody.Must be pretty tough watching your hero and mess-iah crashing and burning.

Obozo smears himself enough,he doesnt need help from anybody.Must be pretty tough watching your hero and mess-iah crashing and burning.

How many times and by how many different people have you been told not to say stuff like that?

He is not my hero or messiah and he is not pippinwhitepaws' hero or messiah either.

It is out of line to say such a thing.

How many times and by how many different people have you been told not to say stuff like that?

He is not my hero or messiah and he is not pippinwhitepaws' hero or messiah either.

It is out of line to say such a thing.

Jumping off the obozo band wagon ?Sorry buddy but Ive got to call it as I see it.And backing a war mongering,lying,corrupt,deceitful,traitorous,piece of garbage(did I miss any?) isnt out of line?:icon_scratch:oh yes the lib bass ackwrds thingy,i keep forgetting.

Jumping off the obozo band wagon ?Sorry buddy but Ive got to call it as I see it.And backing a war mongering,lying,corrupt,deceitful,traitorous,piece of garbage(did I miss any?) isnt out of line?:icon_scratch:oh yes the lib bass ackwrds thingy,i keep forgetting.

Was referring to the messiah comment only...

Face the truth,you screwed up by backing a piece of garbage.Admitting it to yourself is the first step.

ben he just posts this stuff to get attention

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