Roughly speaking, nothing scientific mind you, just how many ounces per day *on average* can a good Nugget Shooter get and how much ground does that cover. Time period doesn't matter-- ounces day, week, month, whatever. I figure if the average expert Nugget Shooter makes one sweep every 3 seconds and covers 2' x 4' per sweep then that's roughly 80,000 square feet per day. That would be one ounce per 80,000 square feet.
Thanks for data,
Roughly speaking, nothing scientific mind you, just how many ounces per day *on average* can a good Nugget Shooter get and how much ground does that cover. Time period doesn't matter-- ounces day, week, month, whatever. I figure if the average expert Nugget Shooter makes one sweep every 3 seconds and covers 2' x 4' per sweep then that's roughly 80,000 square feet per day. That would be one ounce per 80,000 square feet.
Thanks for data,