1st - I noticed this was your very first post - so, Welcome Aboard Eddie pa! Take a look at Forum: Pennsylvania for information (i.e., clubs, etc.) directly related to the great state of PA.
2nd - I moved ya from NEW MEMBER INTRODUCTIONS over to WHAT IS IT? for more exposure.
Regarding the "tag like" item, I believe I see the letters "ENO"? A little trick to potentially make the rest of the wording pop, is to side light the object with a flashlight. Try various angles and the shadowing effect will make the rest of wording stand out.
Nokta FoRs Gold, a Gold Cube, 2 Keene Sluices and Lord only knows how many pans....not to mention a load of other gear my wife still doesn't know about!
The other odd-shaped item, has wording the best of us are having a hard time reading,
so depending how fragile it is, and the metal type, a slight amount of restoration might bring
more words out..., if needed - but first, try low-angle led lighting from various positions,
and photo it again. Thanks!
The guy with the hat, leave it be, it is a very cool item...!