Was digging a colonial site today were I have recovered
stuff from mid-late 1700's to early-mid 1800's. This unfortunately is the best picture I can get you. On the opposite side there isn't much. I can see to ending letters (which are bigger than the main side letters) RD.
My apologize. About the same size as a half cent or nickel. It is very thin and I believe to be copper. I can see an "L" then blocked and ending with what appears to "INC" The next word looks like "DEIR" or "DETR" then it fades away. Underneath this part it appears to be the top of a crown or something.
I tried looking under colonial coins, tokens, presidential items and I cant figure it out
Here are a few more pics. Looks like the back might have 2 spots were something may have been attached. On the back at the upper right of the pic I can also see in bigger letters "RE".