Colonial Copper Zeus
Bronze Member
I just bought the new Whites Vision and am getting the hang of it. I went out in my own back yard and cleaned up. About 20 coins of various depth up to 6 inches deep. They all sounded strong due to its amplifier of deep signals. Some people like the amplified signal / some don't. I will due to the fact I do mostly farm fields and the deep signals will sound like shallow ones. This detector is impressive to say the least. Kyle and I have been banging our collective heads figuring things out. We just found out we can change the target icons to read anything we want. No more Dime, Quarter,Penny for us. I will figure out the VDI ranges for MY type of coins and change the icons to read KG III, KGII, Half cent, Draped bust Large cent, Coronet Large cent etc. It's about time that option was provided. Here is a video of us playing around with it.