Not metal, this is rock

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Apr 16, 2013
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Golden Thread
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Mystery to me. face on.webpprofile1.webp

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SecretCanyon is correct, as the Bing "Mexican rock bookends" images show. Tourist souvenir-stands in Mexico are loaded with those modern-made replicas of Maya-style figurines. I've still got one (somewhere) that I bought on a long-ago vacation at the Mayan Pyramids around Cozumel, Mexico.

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yep...most likely onyx

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Sorry but your all wrong. I had these studied by the university archeology dept. all they can say for sure is that it is pre columbian. I'm not going to divulge how long I have had it or where I found it. But IT IS NOT MODERN NOR JUNK. So put your thinking caps on and do some REAL research to see if you can solve the mystery that took me years to find.

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As secretcanyon points out, even the experts get fooled.

On this forum there are plenty of intelligent and talented researchers but, to my knowledge, no one is an expert on pre-Columbian artifacts. If anyone were, they would NOT venture a guess on your piece based solely on two photographs and no additional information.

If you can't tell us about how, when, and where you got it, I suggest you delete your post before you get yourself in trouble.


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Your right DCMatt cause this is the type of post the Moderators say WE can't comment on without deeming it a attack on the poster . So all I'm going to say is the statue looks like one of these two things ... A part of a bookend set or a effigy of a Pre-Colombian man with Montezuma's revenge ... IMHO , Woodstock

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How rude to every one here . All I can say is this is the kind of post that I think Treasure_Hunter was referring to as a "Fake or Real " type post . If your going to put this up for our comments then also put pictures of the paperwork by a reputable identification source . Simply saying it was studied by a University is your word against ours . Therefore you need to prove what you say before you bother to post it or we are "not" wrong , you are for not providing proof of your claim . IMHO , Woodstock
Sorry but your all wrong. I had these studied by the university archeology dept. all they can say for sure is that it is pre columbian. I'm not going to divulge how long I have had it or where I found it. But IT IS NOT MODERN NOR JUNK. So put your thinking caps on and do some REAL research to see if you can solve the mystery that took me years to find.

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Are you using us for your personal entertainment ??? First you say "Mystery to me" and then you post later that you've had it studied by a University so then it not a "mystery to you" and that is wrong by anyone's standard . You need to stop playing games with people who actually are here to hepl and not to play games .... IMHO , Woodstock

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well...I am sure the university/anthropologists did not give exact dating or provenance to this piece.

I would hazard money to suggest that respondent to the inquri to 'what is this carving?' did not say more than it was "pre-Columbian in style"
there is no method to date a stone, unless it is found in situ with other objects that can be dated as in:
radio carbon of carbon from a fire...
Dendrochronology - Archaeological Dating Technique
other objects used by the community that have been previously dated at other sites...ceramics, decorations ect.

this is why archeologist despise treasure hunters...don't know anything, but YOU found it, then deceive those you asked for identification...
then insult them because YOU don't like the answer.

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Its a sex stone.......

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...yea,bunch of dumb,dumbs!

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If your going to ask for help then be up front with everything you know about it, you had it looked at by univ but you only post "mystery to you" which is highly misleading......

You want to repost it and be up front with every thing you know about it then your welcome to.....

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