Limonite concretion. Somtimes forms around a small fossil or just a lump of mud. I'll bet there are some other pieces like it, but of different shapes, in the area where it was found. Limonite, although a iron ore of sorts, isn't magnetic or shows up on a detector. Thank God. An area where we go arrowhead hunting, and have detected several bullets while looking for meteorites, is choc full of limonite. The most common is a flat piece looking like a 3/8th in. thick piece of iron, or small balls of various sizes, many looking like rabbit turds. I found one piece that looked like a good chunk of Borman shell. Round curvature, nice hollow inside, etc.
PS: I have one piece, bit larger than a golf ball, that looks like an acorn. And it has surface features like yours. Maybe we should both donate our pieces to the "Limonite Nut Museum". I think I will donate mine by mail.....