Niamo Speck Cypher, need botg in Scottsville, Texas (near LA border)


Jr. Member
Sep 17, 2024
New Mexico and Oklahoma
I have been working on the Niamo Speck cypher for three years (yes, Iā€™m a dork) and recently discovered the most specific explanation Iā€™ve come across on where to find the document needed to crack the cypher, which leads to a treasure valued at $2500 (at the time it was hidden in 2020).

So Iā€™m asking if anyone is interested in providing botg in Scottsville, Texas to see if they can spot the ā€œdocumentā€. Scottsville is located in East Texas very close to Marshall. It is about 35 minutes west of Shreveport and 2 hours east of Dallas.

If you locate the document you can use it to decipher and find the treasure, or provide me pictures of the document and Iā€™ll decipher it then tell you where the treasure is so you can go get it (and keep it). I donā€™t have any interest in the treasure itself, even if I find it Iā€™m giving it to charity, I just want to know we found it.

Now youā€™re probably asking why someone hasnā€™t already gone an looked. Good question.

1) The person that believes they cracked the first part of the code lives too far away to go check for himself.

2) $2500 isnā€™t a lot of money to professional treasure hunters, the investment to travel there leaves virtually no financial incentive, especially since the treasure is more than likely far away from there.

3) It is a long shot, a very long shot. The cypher is difficult and the guy who believes he cracked it might be completely wrong.

Which leads to your next question, why havenā€™t I gone to have a look?

1) I donā€™t have a drivers license.

2) My treasure hunting partner (my father) isnā€™t convinced enough for us to make the 5 plus hour drive. However, it is probably better to listen to me since he is the muscle and Iā€™m the brains of our operation.

Here is the location and what he believes he deciphered:

ā€œAn angel of grief memorial is on the gravesite of William Scott Youree in Scottsville Cemetery in Scottsville, Texas. Using the 6, 64, 9, 6 I get "come placed below come".ā€

The treasure is not there, only a document, sign, or something that can be used to decode the cypher, which will then lead to the treasure, which is somewhere in the USA in ā€œthe southā€.

If youā€™re interested then go have a look, and if you have any questions or want more information on how he believes he deciphered the first part, reply here or send me a message. Iā€™m will to share anything I can to get this treasure found.

Happy hunting,



I don't know if this helps you, but there are photos of the grave of William Scott Youree in Scottsville Cemetery on this site, including the angel of grief (which has text on it, but the photo isn't clear enough to read), and the nearby church that his family erected.

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