Marlon Brando
So I went on my first "serious" hunt today. And now I finally understand why everyone dreams of tortuing the person that invented pull tabs. I have a friend that has 10 acres with an abandoned homestead, an old rock chicken coop and school house on his property in western Nebraska. I know this place has to be hiding treasures all over the place, but unfortuantely I don't know my machine well enough yet to uncover them all. The place also is an old farm and my friend likes to shoot his guns, so between pull tabs, bullets and not being able to distingush between my machine tones yet it was a pretty trying day. I have no doubt I dug about 100 holes in 4 hours and was a little discouraged with my finds. With that though, now I see how important it is to have a good shovel to dig with because mine sucked, and how important a pinpoint finder is. Wow, that's really a pain to try to use your MD for doing that. Especially when you need to try and get in a hole. I found a lot of coffee can lids for some reason, just the lids. Lots of crushed cans and scrap metal, I did find a bottle that appeared to be a salt or pepper shaker probably from the 40's or 50's. And then I found the gear and what appears to be some sort of pulley, and those I kept. I figure if I clean them up and they might look cool on a book shelf. I really need to find someone though that knows how to set up a Fisher F70 for coin hunting, because I was just winging it and like I said I know I missed A LOT out there. Overall I'm a little dissapointed, I was hoping to find something of a little value...even a '06 penny would have been something. This is a tough hobby everybody :-)
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