I've been reading alot on this site and others to get different views on some of the dozens of machines out there but realize there are some things I left out of my posts that could help me give a better definition of what I want.I live in Florida so the soil is sandy, and most often wet.I will be hunting parks,a couple of huge plantations(what could I find there?)and some indian sites so probably in the relic/coin shooting most of the time.However,I would like to hunt the beach/wet/dry sand also.Someone has mentioned an xlt.I've looked at the coinshooter,fishercz andcz3,infiniumect...Does this sound like a good machine for what I am going to be doing?I have read all about all of them but the more I look the more I am confused.Idon't care how much it is or how big of a learning curve I have to go through,I have the time.Let me hear it guys and gals,good and bad.If the xlt was rainproof and splasproof I would go with that but that is my big drawback from this md.Blast away and a big THANKS in advance.