New trend at the Shooting Range........


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Sep 26, 2012
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PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — A little mother-daughter time on a sunny Tuesday.

Maggie and Molly are meeting up with a group of gals — at the shooting range, for a firearms course run by Pittsburgh-based INPAX.

“There are four fundamentals of defensive handgun,” an instructor said to a group of women learining to shoot.

Training facilities across the region report an upsurge in the number of female students — among this group, moms, consultants, brokers, co-eds and others.

“You’re mom and daughter, you’re not going shopping, or to yoga, you’re going to shoot guns, what’s the reaction?” KDKA’s Kym Gable asked.

“They’re not at all surprised,” Mary Morrow and Maggie Miller said. “The people who know us don’t find it at all surprising. She’s my role model, my best friend and doing this has been fun.”

“She would be one of the main reasons I’d use a gun,” Morrow said.

“It’s true,” Miller said. “It’s very true.”

They’re learning critical tactics.

But also breaking down stereotypes and bolstering confidence.

“It’s overcoming something,” said Tracy Maalouf, a physician’s assistant and INPAX student. “Fear, you know women don’t touch guns. Only guys touch guns, so to get to that point where you’re not afraid of the gun.”

“Well, I carry concealed, so just knowing I can draw that gun if I need to and use it accurately and correctly,” said Joanne Herd, an administrative assistant.

“You know, it’s nice to know there’s other women who take the safety of their family as serious as I do,” said Sheri Teoli.

And it’s not just growing in popularity here in Pittsburgh, but across the region. The National Shooting Sports foundation says gun sales to women have grown nearly 73 percent in recent years.

Research shows tragic events often contribute to that, like the elementary school massacre in Newtown Connecticut.

“I think that the Sandy Hook event is what spurred a lot of this current trend,” said Sam Rosenberg with the INPAX Academy of Personal Protection. “We’ve seen such an increase in the desire and demand for security training for everyone, but a lot of women in particular.”

Sheri is so invested that she’s training to be an instructor.

“I think it’s important to be able to do it as a woman to make other women feel comfortable that they can come out and do this,” she said.

“The days of a woman being dependent on a man for protection is long gone,” Rosenberg said.

“I think it’s nice to redefine what is normal to do — in a big way,” Miller said.

Very pleased to see this article. I know that women are talking about guns now and realizing that you're not always going to have a man around to protect you and if anything good comes out of Sandy Hook it will be women learning how to protect themselves.So many tragedies happen because of defenseless women being hurt by people that are supposed to love them as well as just living in high crime areas.

My son's wives have carried for years. Shooting at the range is an enjoyable family outing but the handgun practice is deadly serious. My granddaughter has been shooting since about age 5. She's had her own 12 gauge since she was 16 and rarely misses when skeet shooting but her favorite weapon is the AR. Another granddaughter is in the Navy and wears a marksmanship medal she earned with the 9mm. In this family the women have always been shooters and you better not think about leaving them home if you go hunting or to the range.

I got my wife a 357 for her birthday 1 year. She shoots the heck out of that thing( usually with 38s though, Less noise, more cleaning),
And she went and got here concealed license too. I am so proud of her!

But I have a 45 that I suspect she may be running with when I am not around. Man she shoots that thing well!

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