New to to hobby looking for a couple of ideas.


Jan 28, 2008
New to to hobby looking for a couple of idea's.

Hey all, new poster here... I have been metal detecting for the past year or so, but because of being busy all the time and not knowing where to go around here, I have only been out detecting about 6 or 7 times. I live in St Charles County and could really use a tip or two on where I could go around here. I have been dying to find something that I could officially start my "collection" with, but have not found anything of any interest. I believe the oldest coin to date that I've found is 1975, no jewelery, no nothing. Looking for a few cool finds to boost my interest and keep the fire burning. I have read up some on the treasuenet website and realize that many of the metal detectors find spots to detect and ask permission to hunt them. I can't really see myself doing this, dunno if I'm just shy or what. Any information on this subject is appreciated!!


Re: New to to hobby looking for a couple of idea's.

Hi welcome to TNet. If your to shy to ask in person use your phone. Some good places to start are public parks, old fair grounds, for a start. If it where not for finding the pennies and small change I think many of us would get bored with the hobby. Finding those things just wheat my appetite. You never know what your going to find next. I didn't even ask to hunt in two of our local parks. The police and the park workers just waved at me.

Don't get discouraged! :) There are things out there of worth finding. But if you don't hunt they are not going to just hop up into your hand. ;)

Maybe others will give you more suggestions. Good luck.


Re: New to to hobby looking for a couple of idea's.

hello, I also live in St. Charles County and I have been metal detecting a little over two years. This area is kind of tough to find good spots. When I first got my metal detector I took it to a park that happened to be in the midst of renovating their playground. They had taken about 8" of soil off of the playground. This park is very old and this turned out to be a great opportunity. I detected that area numerous times and found several barber dimes, mercury dimes, and some interesting old items. I guess that spoiled me and made me think that I would find stuff like that all of the time...NOT!!! I have, since that time found exactly ONE silver dime. Keep your eyes open for construction in the older areas of local towns. You can try Forest Park but you there are things to keep in mind if you do. First, you can NOT hunt on the golf courses or athletic fields in Forest Park. Second, you can NOT hunt on the areas surrounding such sites as the Art Museum, Zoo or the Muny. The hill below the Pavillion WAS pretty good, however, it was torn up and rebuilt during the last few months. So that area is not good. Try the parks in the area but be careful at Chain of Rocks...lots of car thefts there. Playgrounds and parks are ok but you probably only find newer stuff. Do some reading about the areas that you would like to hunt and find out where picnic grounds were.
Those are some of the things that you can try. Or, you can try to find Civil War relics. That will take some research and advice from some of the guys on this site that are very well versed and experienced in that area.
Good luck....

Bill Dilly

Re: New to to hobby looking for a couple of idea's.

Thank you Pepper and Bill for your info............ was wondering if anyone out there has had any luck detecting creek or riverbanks around here? I have been spending a couple hours here and there detecting the missouri river banks and have really found notta. Any good riverfront detecting finds out there?


Re: New to to hobby looking for a couple of idea's.

If you are wanting to just increase your coin count, use a small coil and search around parking meters set into grassy areas in the city.

Just remember to fill your holes.

Re: New to to hobby looking for a couple of idea's.

Dom, what kind of detector do you use? Whats your biggest interest? Is it ANY coins or are you looking for the older stuff? If your park has been hit frequently then you should just stand back and look at it and find a spot off to the side. Look for areas that have always been the park but not a well traveled spot. I have found that every detectorist will hit the most common spots but few will go off to the side or out in the big open areas. It might be a little quieter out in the open areas but theres usually a better chance of coming across
a good coin that has just been missed. Take your time and keep your coil as close to the ground as you can
the whole time. Try and cover every bit of ground that you walk on and dig every iffy signal you get until you become more familiar with your machine. GOOD LUCK!!!! JOHNNY 8)

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