New to Pittsburgh....


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Jul 29, 2016
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Golden Thread
Pittsburgh, PA
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT/Pro
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello to all the western PA hunters....I am brand new to Pittsburgh and even Pennsylvania. I just moved up from Louisiana. Currently I am trying to research some laws dealing with MD... Also I am looking for someone to hunt with. Hit me up if someone wants to do a hunt.

... research some laws dealing with MD...

Just be aware, you will not be finding express "allowances" for md'ing. Eg.: A sign or a law that says "metal detecting allowed here" type-thing. And conversely, you will find mostly silence on the subject. Ie.: very few "express dis-allowances" Eg.: signs or laws saying "no metal detecting". Instead the best you will find is "catch-all" verbiage most of the time. Eg.: things that *could* be applied. Like cultural heritage. Harvest/remove verbiage. Alter/deface verbiage. Lost & found, etc.... Yet I do not construe any of the latter to necessarily apply. Nor do I assume "they apply till given a princely blessing to the contrary" (lest someone just give the 'safe' answer when in fact it probably never crossed their minds).

Just avoid obvious historic sensitive monuments. And when in nice manicured turf, choose low traffic times and avoid lookie-lou's. Because, of course, md'ing has connotations. Thus out of sight is out of mind :)

Hi! I'm in the South Hills. Pretty much all city, county and local parks are ok around here, just not state parks. Plenty of public forest land as well. Good luck!

Hello, Washington County here.

... just not state parks. ....

How do you figure that ? The FMDAC state-by-state list give PA state parks a "yes". And lists beaches as examples, etc....

Albeit with the obligatory "with kiosk permission" type notation. But even that I do not necessarily construe to mean "must ask" (as that's merely commentary, not chapter and verse law or rule). What I mean is: That at ANY park (of any entity), they are ALL subject to the discretion of whatever park personnel on duty says. Just as they could come up and tell you that your boom box music is too loud. Or that setting up your picnic blanket in the middle of a live ball game is not wise, etc.... In that sense, sure, they have say-so. That's how I interpret the "... with permission" language. I do not interpret it to mean that you need each one's blessing before-hand. Only as a notation that they have the authority to decide if they wanted to say "scram" (like if you were nosing around an obvious historic monument or something).

So how do you figure PA state parks are a no-no ?

There is really only one state park in Pittsburgh and the rest are county and community. The main one is Point State Park. This is the fountain at the confluence of the 3 rivers that you see shown during every Steelers game. This is also the site of Fort Duquesne in the 16/1700's that became Fort Pitt. And before the French and English forts it was a the major trading / settlement of Native Americans. Supposedly there are layers of graves at this site that go back hundreds of years. There are manicured areas, wooded areas, play areas, but man no one should ever detect there. I'm sure you would get arrested.

State parks in York County can only be detected by obtaining a permit. Permits are free, but the vast majority of each state park is off limits to detecting. Only the mowed areas can be detected.

.... but man no one should ever detect there. I'm sure you would get arrested.

Well sure. It is a "given" that no matter WHAT/WHO the entity is (state, fed, county, or city) that you will get hassled if you're tromping around in an obvious sensitive monument (graves no less).

But what about the FMDAC website which gives a "yes" ? And even other state park locations you acknowledge are ok (once some P's and Q's are minded). That's all I'm saying , is that a person need-not think that "all PA state parks are off-limits", simply because they're "state park".

Hi, im J.J. I live just outside of pittsburgh and trying to meet some people for help and to hunt with. Im new just got my first dtector. Msg or email me if you like. Jacksonpgh824@gmail.Com

Live by pittsburgh zoo, newbie

Hello, im J.J. id like to met some people to hunt with and show me the ropes. Just bought garrett at max and have nobody to hunt with. Jacksonpgh824@gmail.Com

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