NEW PICTURES Civil War Mapping Instrument ?

Michigan Badger

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Oct 12, 2005
Northern, Michigan
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NOW new photos posted 2-15-06.

I've never found out what it is. It sort of looks like a COMPASS or some sort of drawing device.

What do you think it is?

It's small only about 3 1/2 inches long.

I believe this to be a map tool of some sort. I think the part I have here is 1/2 of that tool. The other half probably was identical to this half.

The part near the rounded part is broken off at ONE ANGLE. Nothing else is broken.

Take a look and let me know what you think.

I believe the item is made of bronze.




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Re: Civil War Drafting Instrument ?

Thanks folks for your comments.

Since it was found at a Civil War site I'm almost sure it was some sort mapping instrument.

One leg is broken off so maybe it was just thrown away.

I don't see any markings but I'll scan it large tomorrow and take a better look. I could even clean it but generally I like to leave an aged patina.

Thanks again.


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Re: Civil War Drafting Instrument ?

It appears to move on the center round pin. It is sort of blunt for a compass. The end looks more like a handle and it almost looks like one arm of a plier type cutter.

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Re: Civil War Drafting Instrument ?

Looks like half of one of those things they used to Castrate farm animals with, like scissors but it only cuts in the middle where the half round part is

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Thanks everyone for your comments.

These better pictures will help I'm sure.

As you can see by the flat edges which now show in these pictures, it's not a pair of scissors. Also the metal is much too thin at what would have been the handle part if this item were used as some sort of pliers.

Today is the first time since I found this that I've even bothered to give it a close look under magnification.

I'm now sure it's not a compass but rather some sort of compass-like device for figuring distances (or some such thing) on maps.

I could be wrong.

Any help is greatly appreciated because this thing really has me pumped now.


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The original pic looked blunt on the end. This pic looks like it comes to a point in your fingers and does look like a divider for measuring distances.

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You assumption is correct!

What you have found is a pair of proportional dividers which are used by cartographers, architects, surveyors and engineers, to name a few. Mariners also use them to chart courses.

Typically, they are silver-plated, nickle-plated brass, or polished brass. They are scissor-like but operate in a much stiffer manner. Most likely crafted in Germany or England.

The instrument, for military application, was most likely used to determine distances. Usually every map has a scale legend whereby an inch is equal to some stated length, lets say and inch equals a mile. These dividers which open to 6 plus inches would be then be placed on the scale and then used to measure from point A to point B.

In pre-computer times they were also used by hand-drafters to enlarge or transfer a design from one scale to a larger or smaller scale.

Why do I know? I happen to have a collection of these types of instruments.

These instruments are quite common and may be found on E-bay most any day. Value-wise, your talking maybe $20 in pristine condition.

Its real value is historic, not monetary. If it were mine, I wouldn't clean it.

Most likely you have found something that is utilized in a command center and not used by a trooper or low-level officer. If you can relocate where you found this, assume it was in the center of a command tent. Look in a 10 foot radius for similar items.

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You can definately see the similarities from this pair.


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You assumption is correct!

What you have found is a pair of proportional dividers which are used by cartographers, architects, surveyors and engineers, to name a few. Mariners also use them to chart courses.
A) You, Gypsy, and Cypress are quite correct. I used similar thingies for navigation bk in the primitive days of navigation by charts, watches, a bit of radio, and sightings heheh.

GPS, Electonic watches of less than a consistant loss or gain of a sec per month etc etc sigh, such luxuries.. time does pass.

Till eulenspeigle - Jose de La Mancha

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Thanks much to everyone!

I believe you got it.

It's funny but not knowing about these I somehow had this gut feeling it had something to do with map distances. Maybe the person who originally owned it was some long forgotten ancestor who was speaking to me from the grave? :P Sounds like a good sales pitch fer ebay ;D

You know...Possessed Dividers... ;D all are great! Thanks again ;)

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Hey Jose, When the GPS batteries give out, us old folks will still be able to navigate! ;D

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Re: Civil War Drafting Instrument ?

jglunt said:
gypsyheart said:
Taking a wild guess here....and thinking possible part off a sexrant

sex rant?? Sounds dangerous. LOL Sorry, I couldn't resist


Well It measures something!!!!!!! Too Funny......But I bet one of those would be highly collectible !!!!!!!

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