New Member...High Hopes


May 27, 2008
Ontario, Canada


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Hey revlis,

welcome to the forum! I'm in missouri, the show-me state :wink:

can't say i've ever been to canada, it's too far north for me, my dig is south florida :wink:

hope to view some of your finds in the days weeks months to come :wink:

Hi Chris! Welcome to Tnet and to Mugs! Looking forward to seeing more from you! I am from Central Oregon myself but I am sure there are some from your area! Glad you are here :icon_sunny:

Hey Chris, welcome! I do believe there are some other Canadians on here...keep your eyes peeled, they will show up. ;D

Welcome Revlis.....If I can help you in any way, let me know ;D


Howdy Chris...Welcome to TNet WelcomeSign2.gif

:wink: RR


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welcome to mugs. and no not from canada but wish i was i would fish more then i would detect.

Welcome to mugshots!

Asking if someone is from Ontario is like asking if anyone lives on the eastern seaboard !

Ontario is 415,000 square miles
Original 13 colonies was 360,000 square miles

Welcome Chris to TNet! :icon_sunny:

Hello Chris welcome to TN. I'm just across the St Clair River from Sarnia, Ont. We used to drive around exploring the lower area. Now about all we do is go to the casinos there. I'm still fairly new on this forum myself. There are so many friendly people here and so many interesting pictures. If you have any question, just post it. Good hunting. Ray karenray08.

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