New here from Texas


Sr. Member
Oct 20, 2007
Pasadena, Texas
Detector(s) used
Minelab Excalibur II
Hi everybody. I've been lurking past few days and decided to join up. I used to have a Garrett 750 something model a few years ago.
It mysteriously disappeared on me, don't know if the wife boxed it up and it got misplaced,or maybe in a pawn shop ???. I've torn through boxes looking for it but can't find it.
I didn't really get into it much and kinda gave up on it seeing that looking in dirt and grass is a lot of work. I took it to the beach once with my handmade cheap "scoop" ::)

I realize now that there are better detectors for beach and that's what I want to do now. Those guys seem to rake in all kinds of good things,along with some junk. But at least digging in sand is easier,wanna save up some cash for an Excal 1000 and be done with it. Would feel great if I do get it and it ends up paying for itself someday soon afterwards. Told the wife about wanting to get back into md'ing for real this time, she just says "yeah, okay" ..since I seem to get a hobby into my head and then fall out of it a short time later. I told her how many hobbies actually pay for themselves and let you make some money? Then I showed her some of what you guys find and she now says.."if you get one, I get first pick when you get back from the beach" :D

Hopefully I will get into this hobby and stay in it this time.. curse this "bug" I get for a new hobby every so often..but if I find stuff,I may not leave it again.

See ya around.

Hi Im in Ft Worth...Tx
best decision you could make for a hobby...I have a Garrett 1000 and it has paid for itself several times over..My best find was a diamond engagement ring ,,,appraised out at $2750 dollars....and still have it. If you look at my posts on this forum you can see some of the goodies I have been fortunate to find. with an Excal 1000 you have the opportunity to rake em up on the beaches and in the water where people swim.....thats where the good stuff lurks. best of luck..keep posting.

HH to all


Good choice in thinking about the Excal 1000, belive me if you get it you will be happy with it. Welcome back to the sport and welcome to Tnet as well.
Good luck........


if you remember that its not really about the dollar amount of the things you find, but the thrill of finding it, i think you will have a lot more fun. not to say that you wont find things of value because you will! even though some of the guys on the forum post some incredible finds, very few of us are getting rich at it! ;) :)

Not many Garrett 1000's out there, but you can get them from Clevenger's
metal detectors. He's not on the internet but you can call his 1800-999-9147
for his catalog. He's got good prices. BUT before you jump, there are other good detectors ouot there I'm sure would serve you well. This forum is the best place to get information
from the old timers.

RObert Roy

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