New guy from the Netherlands


Jr. Member
Jan 1, 2013
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Golden Thread
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello everybody!

I am a 25 year old real-estate-management student from the Netherlands/Holland. I have allways been interested in and have been actually working outdoors and all the gold-mine shows on Discovery Channel kind of triggered me to do some research about goldprospecting. There is only one little problem, our tallest mountain is only 300m above sea-level and there is no gold whatsoever over here. :BangHead:

One of my new-years resolutions was to finally do my internship, and i have allways wanted to do it outside of the Netherlands. I had a 6 month internship planned to London (UK) one year ago, but it got cancelled because the company i was going to work for went bankrupt. Now i got this crazy idea to move to gold-territory so i can do my internship and feed my hunger to play in the dirt in my time off.

So i was wondering if there is anyone on this forum that could give me any advice where to go (gold-wise) and possible internships.

Regards Meurnik

Hello and welcome aboard!

welcome meurnik, good luck

Welcome to Tnet! There are plenty of opportunities here in the states. & you should be able to find a job & play in the dirt with the rest of us. I didn't realize the Netherlands were so low. Duh. Good luck, & keep us posted.

Thanks the confidence mamabear!

It a riverdelta area, a miniature version of the Nile-delta in Egypte.


Welcome to Tnet. It seems that not a day goes by where some new and interesting twist in the form of a post shows up on Tnet and yours is one of those 'different' requests.

Were I you I would search for a position in highly productive Historical Gold and Silver regions that are not that far off the back road which, leaves out the State of Alaska.

Next I would consider weather conditions for where you might find work as in your spare time you will want to be able to actually go out into the local areas to hunt. Next you might want to consider what type of real - estate - management you want to be in, that is homes and lots or large parcels of land. Either one of these allow you access to property to metal detect but for Gold deposits you should consider being able to walk on acres and acres of ground, with permission of course! Having permission and not being on a piece of claimed property are important items as being found on a place without permission could mean being arrested or shot or both. Once in the U.S. you could always join a club like the GPAA and that would allow you access to all of their claimed sites. A word of caution here - very few get rich from prospecting for valuable minerals (= gold, silver, platinum, etc.) in fact very few find much of it at all but the adventure is well worth the effort! There are many locations in the U.S. where valuable minerals are found with major finds being in the Western states (Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada).

What you will need - Study prospecting information on the internet about Geological properties of the ground where Gold is to be found or known to exist and in what forms (free gold versus chemically bonded Gold or any other valuable mineral). For river prospecting study on how to read a river to have a clue where Gold MIGHT BE. Example, on the down river side of boulders. Equipment - depends on the area you will be 'sampling' for minerals. If you will be searching along streams (the great samplers of the country side) you could use the simplest of equipment: gold pan, shovel, pick, small classifier screen, snuffer bottle, ~ $50 to $100 U.S.. IF you have the time and money you could supplant this equipment with a Prospecting Metal Detector (not a coin machine but a true 'Gold' Detector ~$800 U.S.). Also to be considered would be a solid pair of hiking boots as well as other outdoors equipment if you want to camp and along with this you should have a good understanding of how to take care of yourself while out in the hills and mountains of the west as mistakes can happen and do take lives or close to it.

Places I am familiar with in Northern California - Towns to live in that will be close to historical gold country: Sacramento, Stockton, Roseville, Rocklin, Placerville. There are even a few Dutch families out here.

Good Luck with your adventure/quest...........63bkpkr
One picture of the back country and another of what I've found out there (I go into very rough country!)

Hello and thanks 63bkpkr!

It feels like a compliment to be interesting and different although I was not aiming for it! :thumbsup:

Very good information on where to go prospecting and what it's costs are. I will do some more research on that when i arrive and know where my home will be. I'm not trying to get rich, i going to try to cover the costs of the prospecting. :laughing7:


I see you've many more replies over on the prospecting forum and good inputs as well. It would be interesting to know what you decide to do and where you will be.......63bkpkr

Thnx Urban Grund! :occasion14:

I still have not found an internship and i don't have any good leads at this moment. I think i will have to search the big internet some more! :icon_thumright:

PS: And thank you 63 bkpkr, overlooked your post.

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