It looks to me like not a lot of people read this particular section but I'm going to try this here anyway. I'm fairly new to this hobby. I started to get into it a couple of years ago and then never really pursued it. I came across my detector the other day and thought why not give this a shot again. I've been hitting up some local parks in the Worcester area and I've been making out ok with clad and the like. In the mean time I've been doing some research and I've found a couple of spots that I think have some serious potential. The first is a confirmed tavern that was built in the early 1800's and is now the site of a modern medical facility. I have permission to detect this property already. As far as I can tell no one has requested permission to detect this site as far back as 1970. So I think there is some real potential. The second spot is a bit more fun. It's the focus of a local legend dating back to before the actual founding of Worcester. I have a general idea of where to start looking but this one could take a while to find, if it exists at all. I'm looking to share these sites with an experienced local detectorist. I want to make sure that if these spots aren't panning out then it's not because of my lack of experience. If anyone is interested in meeting up then send me a pm and I will share my research.