new DFX [great salesman]



Bought a new DFX this morning from a store in Aniger N.C. The man has a little corner of his pulmbing and electrical supply co. that he sales whitesdetectors. He went through a whole demo[ABOUT 30 MIN. ] He really did not know that i was serious when i came in but he went through the whole demo anyway. Turns ouy i got the ferr book,dime 49.00set of headphones 119.00 pinpointer and the DFX for 1000.00. Then to top it off he gave me a 49.00 carring casefree also. He said i really want you to enjoy the machine. Then i took it out to a wildlife club house where in the past i have found around 10.00 in cuad and a silver quarter,silver ring and some whear pennies. the club house was built in 1948. I was so excitedwhen i got it out to MD. Used it for around 15 min. and just could not get the feel of it.Got out the BH and found a couple of dimes and pennies in a few min. I know the whites is a better machine But right now i like the BH better for now. found a 1960 5 centime coin from france,it read 34 on the BH which is around what gold reads and it has the look of a pale gold. If anybody knows anything about this coin please write back. shooter

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The 5 centime piece is just some kind of alloy, it is the equivalent of our nickel.

Hey shooter, have you run into many other hunters down there. We have ventured down into harnett county couple of times.
If you ever see a silver cavalier, stop by and say hey
Dont give up on the DFX its a heck of a machine
dave + bobbie

Congratulations on getting you DFX. A couple of things that will help you with the DFX are 1.Get Jeff Fosters book "Digging Deeper with the DFX" and use Tone ID at all times,don't try to get fancy right off the bat but use it as often as possible.Do yoursellf a favor and don't skip back and forth between detectors, if the BH can find something the DFX will find it also, it's just a lttle overwhelming at first. Hey,if an idiot like me can use it you'll be fine.
Good Hunting

Hey Shooter...if you really don't like the Whites, I'll give you $500 for it, AND I'll throw in a really nice, barely used Bounty Hunter! ;D ;D ;D

Don't give up on your new DFX, great machine. Several suggestions;
1. View the video tape that came with your MD.
2. Make sure that your toggle (under the handle) is in the correct position.
3. Build yourself a test bed of odds and ends (coins, copper, brass, etc. and be sure to put the coins on end too)
4. Read Your MD book over and over. A lot of useful information which will help you understand your MD better.

Good luck and don't give up.

Just my 2 cents worth. I have had the DFX for 3 years. It was my 1st MD, so I jumped in with a high end MD right off the bat. I used only the canned programs the first year and picked up 2,955 coins the first year with a few rings and tokens and other neat miscellaneous stuff. Then I started experimenting and have improved the quality of my finds each succeeding year. As far as tone ID goes, it is the "cats meouw" but I would learn the DFX without using it for the first couple of months. It can be overwhelming at first. Like previous posters have said, watch the video thru once. Even that will be mindboggling, but work the DFX for a couple of months and then go back and view it again and a light bulb will turn on in your head on several things. Then work your way to using Tone ID and some customization on your own. I highly recommend the DFX users website: There are a couple of great user programs on their for the DFX and great help from the people on the site.
Then pick up Jeff Foster's book on "Digging Deeper with the DFX" and you will be off and running to great finds. HH

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