New DEADLY tick virus spreading across the eastern US


Silver Member
Jan 4, 2014
Newton, NC
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I read this article yesterday and thought it would be good to post here. With summer upon us and the tick population very high this year, everyone should be aware of this and take every precaution possible. The article was a bit long so I condensed it for the post.

A great threat to animals and humans is the Lineage II Powassan virus from black legged ticks (deer ticks) which has a 10 to 15 percent fatality rate in documented cases and some survivors are left with permanent neurological damage. If the tick carries the illness called Lyme disease it can be transmitted within a few hours or up to two days. Oftentimes, this gives victims a “grace period” to remove the tick and possibly avoid being infected. Unfortunately, the Powassan virus is not as patient. Unlike many of the common illnesses transmitted by ticks, the virus Powassan transmission can take as little as 15 minutes.

The possibility of Lyme disease is bad enough but this new virus is really scary.

Something I have started doing is taking a piece of duct tape and putting it inside out (sticky side out) around my ankles figuring a tick might not be able to get across the sticky glue. I hunt mostly yards so figure if they're getting on me it would most likely be from the feet and climbing up. I'll let you know if I see any stuck on the tape. Be careful out there!

I read this article yesterday and thought it would be good to post here. With summer upon us and the tick population very high this year, everyone should be aware of this and take every precaution possible. The article was a bit long so I condensed it for the post.

A great threat to animals and humans is the Lineage II Powassan virus from black legged ticks (deer ticks) which has a 10 to 15 percent fatality rate in documented cases and some survivors are left with permanent neurological damage. If the tick carries the illness called Lyme disease it can be transmitted within a few hours or up to two days. Oftentimes, this gives victims a “grace period” to remove the tick and possibly avoid being infected. Unfortunately, the Powassan virus is not as patient. Unlike many of the common illnesses transmitted by ticks, the virus Powassan transmission can take as little as 15 minutes.

The possibility of Lyme disease is bad enough but this new virus is really scary.

Something I have started doing is taking a piece of duct tape and putting it inside out (sticky side out) around my ankles figuring a tick might not be able to get across the sticky glue. I hunt mostly yards so figure if they're getting on me it would most likely be from the feet and climbing up. I'll let you know if I see any stuck on the tape. Be careful out there!

Fyi..its 48 hrs for the spirochaete from the deer tick to infect for lyme.

I read this article yesterday and thought it would be good to post here. With summer upon us and the tick population very high this year, everyone should be aware of this and take every precaution possible. The article was a bit long so I condensed it for the post.

A great threat to animals and humans is the Lineage II Powassan virus from black legged ticks (deer ticks) which has a 10 to 15 percent fatality rate in documented cases and some survivors are left with permanent neurological damage. If the tick carries the illness called Lyme disease it can be transmitted within a few hours or up to two days. Oftentimes, this gives victims a “grace period” to remove the tick and possibly avoid being infected. Unfortunately, the Powassan virus is not as patient. Unlike many of the common illnesses transmitted by ticks, the virus Powassan transmission can take as little as 15 minutes.

The possibility of Lyme disease is bad enough but this new virus is really scary.

Something I have started doing is taking a piece of duct tape and putting it inside out (sticky side out) around my ankles figuring a tick might not be able to get across the sticky glue. I hunt mostly yards so figure if they're getting on me it would most likely be from the feet and climbing up. I'll let you know if I see any stuck on the tape. Be careful out there!

Simple solution. .wash your clothes with permethrin. .its hardcore stuff..but it works

Fyi..its 48 hrs for the spirochaete from the deer tick to infect for lyme.

I didn't write the article, the medical experts did. So if you don't agree with the information I shared what can I say? I'll have to take the word of the experts to be on the safe side.

Fyi..its 48 hrs for the spirochaete from the deer tick to infect for lyme.

"If the tick carries the illness called Lyme disease it can be transmitted within a few hours or up to two days. " And isn't two days the same as 48 hours?

"If the tick carries the illness called Lyme disease it can be transmitted within a few hours or up to two days. " And isn't two days the same as 48 hours?
It is I have lyme disease (stage 2) and after all the treatments I have had at Columbia medical center the dr's instructed me that the infection doesn't get transmitted throughout the body until After the 48hr incubation period. .since a number of members here including myself live in the original hot zone of lyme (50 mile zone around lyme ct.) We are all to familiar with lyme, more than we want to be...

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Again, I'm not disagreeing with you about Lyme disease and the length of time it takes to be transmitted into the body. 2 Days is the same thing as 48 hours. What I'm stressing is that this new virus (Lineage II Powassan ) can be transmitted in as little as 15 minutes making it much more dangerous.

Again, I'm not disagreeing with you about Lyme disease and the length of time it takes to be transmitted into the body. 2 Days is the same thing as 48 hours. What I'm stressing is that this new virus (Lineage II Powassan ) can be transmitted in as little as 15 minutes making it much more dangerous.

That virus scare the sh-- out of me...I spend a lot of time in the woods...just another thing I have to worry about..

Hi; One one my Club members was bit and did get Lyme disease. He is one very sick guy right now. Another friend of mine got Lyme disease and it literally caused him to have a heart attack. And he's a Weight Lifter. This is no joke stuff. Take EVERY caution you can. I tape my pant legs with masking tape and spray myself good with RAID. I don't want it for sure. Thanks for the heads up. PEACE:RONB

Actually, Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, which I contracted last summer is twice as lethal as that virus. Left untreated 30% of the people who contract RMSF die. And, of the remaining 70%, most have lifelong health problems. Supposedly, it takes 24 hours for the bacteria to get from the tick's stomach into your blood stream. But, I've read accounts of people who claim they were bitten, and got the tick off in a couple of hours and still contracted the disease. I would bet it was because they SQUEEZED the tick's body while removing it. You don't want to do that. You need to use tweezers, and grab the tick by the mouthparts, or head, and pull. DO NOT squeeze the abdomen.
I treat all my outdoor clothing now, with Permethrin, when I'm headed for tick country. Pants, socks, t-shirts and shirts. Also elastic cuffs around the pantlegs at the ankles.

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