New Beach Babe Scam!!


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2010
Wherever there be treasure!
Detector(s) used
Older blue Excal with full mods, Equinox 800.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I told this story to someone the other day and they thought I should post it here so you guys will have a heads up.

Anyway, not too long ago I was detecting a beach one night when I got approached by a very attractive young lady carrying a scoop and a detector. Needless to say, “I was certainly going to pause what I was doing to talk to her.”

Now the first thing that struck me about her as she drew closer was amount of makeup she was wearing, a curious note for a beach going babe wearing a thong and a tiny string for a swim suit top, but hey, who was I to complain. And that smile, perhaps way too inviting to resist. Anyhow, soon she was standing right in front of me and with a most gracious smile she asked me what I was looking for on such a fine evening. “Oh, whatever I can come up with,” I replied.

“Well,” she remarked, with a sexy smile, “I can show you where all the really good stuff is at, but it will cost you.”

“Really,” I replied, “How much? And what will I find?”

“Well,” she explained, “One scoop is $100, two scoops is $200, and after that each additional scoop is just $50. A single tone is $75, multiple tones are $225.00, and if you run my batteries dry it’s an additional $150.” She paused for a moment to allow me a few seconds to think about it, and then she added, “I promise you’ll discover treasures beyond your wildest dreams. So what do you think, are you up for some really exciting beach hunting tonight?”

Well, I have to admit, I did think about it for a brief second, but I mean really, what a scam! There was no way in world she could possibly know where that kind of treasure was hidden. I mean, what did she take me for, a complete idiot!

PS: she also had the nerve to tell me she didn't discriminate!
(This is just a little spoof in good fun, didn't really take place.) :laughing7:

I was on the beach in O.C. Md. about 6PM there were still plenty of people on the beach. All of a sudden there were 3 girls about 10 or so following me around for blocks "accidentally " bumping into me on occasions and asking questions. It was starting to get to me so I headed to the boardwalk got a soda and sat on the bench. I noticed the same girls flocking around another guy on the beach and then I noticed two guys on the boardwalk with radios closely observing the girls. Looked like a sting operation but with bait that young a just cause!

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