I have what looks like a server blade, which it is not. it measures 17" x 16 1/2" x 3 3/8". The name is Astex. Any information is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Until someone pipes in - I searched google and found that MKS acquired ASTeX in late 2000. The date on your ASTeX is March 2000 (prior to sale). The article stated that ASTeX made sputtering equipment, gas generator, RF and microwave power source, and other gas-reactive systems. I did a search on EBay and their are a bunch of ASTeX stuff for sale - but, couldn't find your model. Now, trigger interlock inhibit "end of charge" overload overtemp normally pertains to Power Supplies.
It's part of a backup power supply unit. Probably communications equipment. In case of a power interruption, a UPS system, (uninterrupted power supply), automatically deploys through a unit like yours. Battery backup energy supply though an inverter. Very common equipment in cellphone tower buildings and hospitals. Battery supplies power until the emergency generator starts and takes over.