need your idea! on this google aerial photo

le fouilleux

Jr. Member
Nov 22, 2008
laval quebec
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ace 250 white vision soon...


  • siteindien666.jpg
    235.6 KB · Views: 2,415
Since I don't see any of the features crossing modern roads - (and they seem to fit within modern property lines) I would have to say it's something modern....

'Care to share a kml file? :)

You might find it part of the old: Ruine de la Poudrière AETNA Chemical 1915/1919

Which is what THIS location just down the river has been identified as - see red circles.


Huflucks said:
This almost looks like an old SAM site.

Welcome to the forum, Huflucks. You have the right idea, but since SAMs are Russian antiaircraft missiles and this appears to be in France, those rings could be marking the old sites of Hawk or even Nike-Hurcules ground-to-air missiles. Up until about 1966, the United States had bases in France and used these missile systems for antiaircraft defenses. The Hawk was a short to medium range weapon and the Nike-Hurcules was a medium to long range / high altitude weapon. Old BigNosed DeGaulle kicked us out in 1966 when he took France toward socialism.

As a minor point of history; thanks to President Harry Truman's support of DeGaulle at the League of Nations instead of supporting Hoa Che Minh after the end of WW2 is why we eventually were in a war in Viet Nam. DeGaulle used Truman's stupidity to help France retain its Colonial ownership of Indochina and turned Hoa into a life-long enemy of the US. But, this is a subject for another time and thread. :icon_study: (the Spell Check just suggested "Seagull" as the correct spelling of "DeGaulle". ;D too funny. After all, all a seagull does is eat and cr--; just like DeGaulle did !!)

Montana Jim said:
This is in Canada... not far north of New York BTW...

O.K. Still could very well be old Hawk and / or Nike-Hurcules sites. During the Cold War, those systems were used by all of our allies; here and abroad. Those 2 systems were the most reliable and popular defense setups in the western world. Hawk systems were still being used by the Saudis in the mid-1980s to protect the base at Riyadh. We could easily see them during every takeoff and landing.

You have the right idea, but since SAMs are Russian antiaircraft missiles

A "SAM" is a generic term for all surface to air missles, not just Russian ones. The Hawk missle system you talked about is a "SAM".

SAM is Surface to Air Missile. an Acronym. A Hawk Missile Battery is not set up or positioned in a star pattern such as what is on the ground. A SAM Site is usually set up in a semi-circle facing the general direction of the bad guys. I can't go into detail due to the piece of paper I signed in the Army. I think the tank farm is a better thought process.

Actually, it looks more like a campground.


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