Found in a field near Montreal. Same place i have found some musket ball from British 1700-1800
and a 1837 token from Banque du peuple (rebellion token)
This can be some kind of ramrod end like this one?
1st - I noticed this was your very first post - so, Welcome Aboard Rcote! Take a look at Forum:Canada for information (i.e., clubs, etc.) directly related to your country.
2nd - I agree with fyrffytr1 - what does it say? Maybe some help in the letters?
yes it was my first post. So, sorry if i dont intruduce myself to you.
Im a french Canadian from Montreal. Starting metal detector since 2years. Newbi😋
My english was poor that why i try to be short in my sentence. I dont have all the words i want to explain my point.
For the last picture, it was a sample of what im thinking about my piece.
My guest are it was a end cap of a ramrod. But the writting on it make me doubt.
It was kind of C6 / N 92 (but the 9 are small and have a dash under it to avoid confusion whit a 6.
Dont know if im clear. Hope you can help me to identify this piece.
On another pic of a ramrod found on the net it was more clear why im thinking of ramrod.
Welcome to Tnet from Toronto mon ami!
Your English is perfect, no need to worry there.
I feel fairly confident that your find is 18thc in date, although I have my doubts that it's military related.