I live in the Great Smokies and have been panning in the rivers coming out of the mountains after several weeks of rain. I have found some color usually in the inside bends of the river, but not much and the only place I seem to be able to get to is the sand and gravel that is in the eddies near the bank in the slow moving water in the bend of the river. I have tried to move some of the big rocks to search underneath but with no success. The color I have found has been washed up in the shallow sand and gravel. Should I be digging deeper or trying a different approach to finding gold in swollen rivers - maybe I just need to wait for the water to come down! Should I try around the slow moving current in a particular area, or should I try to dig a deep hole in a particular area? I figure that the high water is washing up next to the bank some pickers that need to be taken advantage of before they have a chance to sink and hide. Any suggestions?