....but seriously.
It might somehow be related to the Fire Service
Maltese Cross
During the crusades a cross became a symbol of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, a charitable, nonmilitary organization that existed during the 11th and 12th centuries. A white or silver cross on a dark background was adopted by these Knights of Hospitallers, as they were also known, because of their charity toward the sick and poor in setting up hospices and hospitals. Later they gave the knights of the crusades military assistance in an effort to win back the Holy Land.
They became firefighters out of necessity. Their enemies had resorted to throwing glass bombs containing naphtha and sailing their vessels of war containing naphtha, rosin, sulfur, and flaming oil into the vessels of the knights. Knights were called to do heroic deeds by rescuing fellow knights and extinguishing fires. Their cross represented the principles of charity, loyalty, chivalry, gallantry, generosities to friend and foe, protection of the weak, and dexterity in service, making it a natural symbol for firefighters. The Knights of St. John eventually moved to the Island of Malta, and their symbol came to be called the Maltese Cross.
Today the Maltese Cross has become a fireman's badge of honor, signifying that he or she works in courage, quietly saving lives, while risking their own, every day.
(from this link-
http://www.patriotic-jewelry.com/cross-pardon-crucifix.htm )