i am new to this site, but would greatly appreciate any help in identifying this coin...i am not sure if it is anything or not but i cannot find any information on it. thank you for any and all of your help. -Josh
Thank you very much for your help and fast response! I'm sure that this is some sort of reproduction but just knowing what the symbol is, is worth a lot to me! thanks again! -Josh
Might not be a repo. They are reasonably affordable, considering they are 2000 years old. But then again, those guys in that part of the world get really busy on stuff tourists like to buy. Oil lamps are an example. They find them by the hundreds and fake them by the thousands.
A buck a piece in packs of 10---not bad. My friend just returned from a tour of the Holy Land and purchased a W. M. necklace in silver. Hers looked a lot rougher and somewhat worn. Who knows, but for $50 it is a must-buy souveiner.