Need help I.Ding Marbles...Calling duffytrash&his KNOWLEDGE!!!&Others!


Hero Member
Feb 14, 2006
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All Treasure Hunting
Need help I.D'ing Marbles...Calling duffytrash&his KNOWLEDGE!!!&Others!

Hello everybody!!!...I am hopeing to get some info.on these marbles,I mentioned duffytrash because he(you)has helped alot of people I.D. marbles and seems VERY knowledgible on marbles! But anybodys help is&will be greatly appreciated...i'm looking to purchase these marbles but don't want to over price offer on these.what is shown is only about 100marbles of approx.400,i just need some names&possible values.i want some of these for myself but mostly for resale,which leads me to another there a strong secondary market for THESE type of marbles?to me most seem to be COMMON christensen slags&swirls/or Akro swirls&slags,but i have no real knowledge of marbles except for the obvious(josephs coats,latticinios,coreswirls,etc.),the only reference i have is a 1996 copy of robert blocks marbles I.D.&price guide so ANY help will be GREATLY appreciated!!! thanks all!!!
Not that this means much except that they are older but alot(almost all!)glow under UV.
the small group are some that i want to keep no matter what value,i just like those ones!


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Re: Need help I.D'ing Marbles...Calling duffytrash&his KNOWLEDGE!!!&Others!

i see alot of alleys...the swirly type and ravenswood...the types with the ribbons look like peltiere and i see some vitros in there...all pretty common i didnt see any that jumped out at me...maybe a couple akro corkscrews in there too...nice batch....this is what my dollar bin looks like at the shows...some may be 2-3$ mibs....nice selection...

Re: Need help I.D'ing Marbles...Calling duffytrash&his KNOWLEDGE!!!&Others!

duffytrash said:
i see alot of alleys...the swirly type and ravenswood...the types with the ribbons look like peltiere and i see some vitros in there...all pretty common i didnt see any that jumped out at me...maybe a couple akro corkscrews in there too...nice batch....this is what my dollar bin looks like at the shows...some may be 2-3$ mibs....nice selection...
Thank You!,You saw the subject heading...I just knew by previous(yours)post that your knowledge was needed!i'm going to put up a small batch that REALLY poped when UV'ed...i hope you can look at those also,Again thanks for your knowledge&help!

Don't trust the marble books price guides..

Few used to care about marbles. Then they became collectible. Prices skyrocketed,market became flooded and now we're in a recession/depression. I bought those books when I first began excavating antique marbles in my desert ghost town. According to the books my marbles were worth $400 each. Holy mackeral! I danced the Jarabe Tapatio thinking I'l be buying Cadillacs. Then I checked marbles on Ebay,found they were selling for $2 each,called the Cadillac dealership and cancelled my purchase order.

Re: Need help I.D'ing Marbles...Calling duffytrash&his KNOWLEDGE!!!&Others!

Agree with Duffy. Remember also any bites , nicks , moons or chips greatly reduce value.

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