Need help from the best people


Bronze Member
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
Golden Thread
New York
Detector(s) used
Minelab Excalibur 2, Fisher F75, XP Deus
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Any1 know of any people that kno their stuff about metal detectors.....cuz i have a bunch of questions about getting the right detector for me and I cant do it alone.... any help is appreciated

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There are scads of posts from people just like yourself, take a glance at the metal detecting forum and scroll through the pages looking for anything with "newbie" in the title.

Best bet is to decide beforehand what type of target you will be going after, and what type of ground is in your area.

Do you live in the desert or will beaches be your thing? Will you be hunting mostly for coins in parks, or caches at old homesteads? that kind of stuff.

Most generally, the Garrett Ace 250 is recommended as a good starter machine for all around use. Good to get a feel for the hobby with, and not so expensive that you'll kick yourself if it doesn't agree with you.

Then after a little practice and getting a feel for the area and types of stuff you will be digging, you'll be more knowledgable about what type of specialty machine may suit your needs better.

Hope this helps.... fire away with your questions, there's plenty of folks here willing to help out, as always. :)

Most people say buy a good "starter" detector, but I say buy the best you can afford. Stick with Major brands and avoid cheap Chinese copies. All modern medal detectors have "turn on and go" features no matter how sophisticated otherwise. Start out with the turn on and go features and learn the rest as you go. That way you won't get burned out on a cheapie and need to spend more $$$ in a few months just to move up a step or two. Monty

Monty is right about the best you can afford. Some start out with a cheap one and then decide to move into a real detector and have wasted money and time on the use of the cheap one. Money you can get back, but the time is what we never get back, don't waste it.


Hey..listen to Monty and Sandman, buy the best you can afford.

The biggest mistake made by beginners is buying a cheap machine when they can easily afford a quality one.

There are so many things to consider when buying a machine that I'd suggest contacting via email several multi-brand dealers and asking them "off the record" what they think is the best for you in your situation.

If you happen to be very fortunate and have a local multi-brand dealer near you you've got it made. Even if he's a little higher, buy from a local dealer. His help is worth $$$'s.

I started doing this years ago and since then have never really been sorry about any of my purchases. Some of the machines turned out not to really fit my hunting style but all were really decent machines.

I'd suggest you think carefully about the type of hunting you will do most. When writing to any dealer, be brief but be sure to state the following:

1) price range
2) area you plan to hunt (state and general area)
3) water or land or both?
4) any health issues that limit you?

These types of things help a dealer know what you need.

One final note, beware of treasurenet member claims. For the exception of me, these guys exaggerate something fierce!


Badger, I like your last remark..............


bobby go ahead and ask your questions, it looks like you already have the attention of some of the most knowlagable guys around. the advise they already gave you is really good...............................oh yeah and just between you and me, that badger character is the biggest exaggerator there is!! .......a BB at 32 feet pffft!! ;D ;D ;D

Like the man said . the Ace 250 is a great detector.A friend i hunted with had one and he loved it it worked great in parks and we all know how much trash some of them have.
I have been using Garrett for over 25yrs though and I use my old GTX350 more then my Fisher CZ pro.

hh red

I dont need help anymore....decided to get the minelab xterra 50 someone gave me a deal on....thanks for the help

Bobby S said:
I dont need help anymore....decided to get the minelab xterra 50 someone gave me a deal on....thanks for the help

Good For You !

Keep us Informed of your Finds.


I go a step beyond monty and sandman in this discussion. Figure out where you're going to be doing most of your detecting (and for what) first. Are you nugget hunting? Hitting the beach for coins and jewelery? looking for relics? etc. Once you narrow that down, look for the better machines in that category.

Sandman will swear by the Excalibur in the water (and he's right). I agree with that. I swear by the White's DFX on the dry land. Pick the machine you WANT, and get that one. Get the Best machine available. Save your money for the extra week or month it will take to get it. There is nothing worse than getting a machine (or any tool for that matter) because it is "the one you can afford", and then finding out that it won't do what you want/need it to.

If you get a machine that isn't what you want, 1 of 2 things will happen. First thing is wou will get discouraged and give up the hobby, and your machine will sit in the closet unused and forgotten. or second, you'll discover that you should have shelled out the extra 200 bucks in the first place, and you'll end up buying it anyway.

The first detector I bought was "the one I could afford". It is the White's Surfmaster PI. It is a great machine and I still use it occasionally. If i knew then what I knew now, I would have saved the extra 250 and bought the Excalibur (which I ended up getting anyway).

figure out what you want, and get it. you'll be happier, and, the best part... it will pay for itself - many times over


hollowpointred said:
oh yeah and just between you and me, that badger character is the biggest exaggerator there is!! .......a BB at 32 feet pffft!! ;D ;D ;D

It was only 32 inches and the batteries were dead.

Jeez...see what I mean! These guys ;D

Michigan Badger said:
hollowpointred said:
oh yeah and just between you and me, that badger character is the biggest exaggerator there is!! .......a BB at 32 feet pffft!! ;D ;D ;D

It was only 32 inches and the batteries were dead.

Jeez...see what I mean! These guys ;D

And here I thought you were the one who Hired the Mexicans to dig that 60 Foot hole :D

I once had a Relco that could find a manhole cover at just under 1".

For some reason I sold it the next day, though.

PBK said:
I once had a Relco that could find a manhole cover at just under 1".

For some reason I sold it the next day, though.

Oh man! ROF laughing my guts out! This one brought tears to my eyes...oh boy...good one PBK ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


And here I thought you were the one who Hired the Mexicans to dig that 60 Foot hole :D

Come on Jeff! I thought we agreed not to make that public here! :P

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