Very nice relics! I would guess they date from the middle 1800's from the looks of them and the Hard Times Token.The HTT is listed with a couple different variations.It's from 1837 and comes in three different material make-ups,(lows 51)copper,(lows 171) copper-gilt and (lows 52) brass,with the copper gilt variety being the most valuable in terms of rarity. The figure on the obverse is Andrew Jackson with a sword in one hand and a "purse" of specie in the other.He is in a "safe" (treasure chest).Around the rim is "I Take The Responsibility"The obverse shows a mule with the initials "LLD" in the middle of him,and the word "Veto" under him.Around the rim it states "The Constitution As I Understand It" with "Roman Firmness" above the mule.You need to look real close at the obverse and see if you can see the letter "H" under the treasure safe.If there is no "H" then you have a reproduction that was probably issued around 1842 for political purposes,which is listed as lows 53.Hope this helps.