need advice.


Full Member
Sep 7, 2012
Georgetown ky
Detector(s) used
Minelabs equinox 800, whites classic ID, bounty hunter 202
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
i was MD on a private farm and the owner showed me where a house from the 1890-1910's had burned down and nothing removed from the area except most bricks(farm use) i started swinging the area is about 150'x100' and the few swings i did i filled a 5 gallon bucket up with iron, nails, door hinges. i was MDing way after dark and the dew fell and my batteries died :( so i had to leave. ive disc. the iron out and it still picks up the large metal items. its a pretty bad hard to dig brick/rock/brick type of spot but the old family who lived there at the time was very wealthy and was known for hiding cache's. im stuck between a rock and a brick so to speak, im not sure if digging threw the rough arse ground is worth the reward. any way to find the coins and pertys without the iron junk???

also on the same farm there was once a old mill on the creek. how hard is MDing rocky creek banks?

how hard is MDing rocky creek banks?

Easy... How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood

Next you'll be wanting to know why she sells seashells by the seashore. :laughing7:

As for you current problems, you'll probably run into more trash than goodies. The upside is maybe no ever detected that site. :icon_thumright: So you'll have a ton more of clearing out to do before you see any goodies. On the other hand, the downside may be that there are just not any goodies there to be had in the first place.:tongue3:

Instead of knocking yourself out in trash and playing in rock piles, why not just look for an easier area to hunt :icon_scratch::laughing7:

That should hold em :headbang:

I am not familiar with your machine so I can't speak for it or your coil. I have no problems hunting trashy areas with my MXT PRO with the 10x12 SEF coil. I will still hear the iron but the coins will sing out nice and loud when I go over them. As far as the old mill you are going to have the same problem with trash. I would suggest digging everything or get a machine that will work better in those conditions. There are several that with the right coil works very well in trashy areas.

Just don't set your expectations so high Dig. Dig. Dig what you fine is what find

If you were using a Minelab with iron nulling you could skip most small to medium size pieces of iron. If your finding very large pieces of iron your stuck as all detectors I know of will still give a signal on large pieces of iron...Just keep clearing out the site, it has potential.

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This is a place that we detectorist's, who don't mind the work "Dream OF". Nothing comes easy, you have to work for it. "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" are all included in the hunt. The rewards will come, when they come. Work = pay

the old mill was from the early 1900's and other then yesterday there has never been a detector on the hole 1000 acre farm :) it has alot of promising spots. there used to be a old fort that william McConnell settled right beside the farm im on. and its in the works for me to have permission to hunt it :)i think ive found a honey hole if i stay at it, it should start to pay off. im headed back out today to keep clearing it off. ill post pics of all my finds when i get home. might be tomorrow cause ill prolly hunt till 1am :P
ill keep you all posted happy hunting everyone

What the others here have told you is right: You should not have a problem with nails. Any discriminating detector can and should tune them out. So if you're digging boatloads of nails, then you're not running your detector right (you might be in all-metal mode, etc....). Unless you were/are doing that on purpose, for fear that your cache might be masked by surface iron?

Actually, if it's caches your after, and you really don't care therefore about individual coins along-the-way, a better machine to use would be a 2-box unit. NOT that your standard detector *can't* get a cache (jar or box sized item) respectably deep, mind you. But ONLY because a 2-box detector simply won't hear all the pesky smaller stuff (nails, coins, hinges, slag, etc...). It will *only* hear jar sized item or larger. About the smallest target a 2-box unit will hear, is a soda can sized object. Thus they become the perfect discriminator for when caches are your stated goal. Naturally however, if a singular 1916d dime, or 1909s vdb penny is lying solo, you'll miss that too though :)

i went back to the site today but ended up at the mill instead of the old house site. found about 50 .22 casing from when i squirrel hunt there plus a few .243 shells the farmer dropped and a 22-20 marked shell. im a gun nut and have never heard of a 22-20 bulllet before. ill post a pic later. i also found a quarter 11 1/2"s down on the creek bank. my BH was singing when i hit the signal and i dug 5-6"s down and it was deeper i was getting happpy then i found it and it kinda disappointed me. i had to dig through large rocks and smelly mud to get a new quarter :( it had gotten dark before i realized it and i stumbled upon a water moccasin and it scared the tar outta me. i was on my knees digging and wham its 8"s from my face. then had a few frogs jump and scare me thinking more snakes :P but over all had a fun day. tomorrow im headed to a old children's home from 1840's and a OLD OLD church :)

What the others here have told you is right: You should not have a problem with nails. Any discriminating detector can and should tune them out. So if you're digging boatloads of nails, then you're not running your detector right (you might be in all-metal mode, etc....). Unless you were/are doing that on purpose, for fear that your cache might be masked by surface iron?

Actually, if it's caches your after, and you really don't care therefore about individual coins along-the-way, a better machine to use would be a 2-box unit. NOT that your standard detector *can't* get a cache (jar or box sized item) respectably deep, mind you. But ONLY because a 2-box detector simply won't hear all the pesky smaller stuff (nails, coins, hinges, slag, etc...). It will *only* hear jar sized item or larger. About the smallest target a 2-box unit will hear, is a soda can sized object. Thus they become the perfect discriminator for when caches are your stated goal. Naturally however, if a singular 1916d dime, or 1909s vdb penny is lying solo, you'll miss that too though :)

i am mainly into MDing for the old coins. coins are a great passion i have. i love old coins but im yet to dig one outta the ground :( oldest coin ive found so far is a 1965 penny. im waiting till i can get someone else with a MD to go with me to the home site to help search it.

I think that I would try to guess where the mill customers might have parked their wagons or cars and search around that area. If their was commerce there,I'm sure there would have been coins dropped. Good luck

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