Welcome to Tnet and a big congrats on digging that cool token. Old tokens are just as good to find as silver or older coins in my eyes. Looking forward to seeing your future finds.
DS, That is where my thoughts went as well, I have looked at the tokencatalog site, and googled 1899GAE, and still found nothing, I hope someone here will ID it. Thank-You.
That token is listed in the NETCC Nebraska Trade Tokens book, but with no further information. I find in the 1900 Omaha City Directory a listing for the Amusement Check Co. - Wm E. Gale & Llewellyn C. Marsden - 631 Paxton Block. Gale was a meat salesman and Marsden was a typewriter salesman about this time. The Amusement Check Company was not listed in other City Directories.
It looks to me like Gale and Marsden hatched a scheme to make some money. Here's their first ad from the Omaha Daily Bee. The Hanmer's Method tokens (as shown in the ad) have been the subject of quite a bit of debate - I thought they were from Detroit as that was where Alfred W. Hanmer lived in 1900, but others thought Detroit or Richmond, VA. More research is needed and I still can't quite figure why the Omaha token unless Gale and Marsden figured they could save money by having their own version of the Hanmer check.
Good morning !
Fantastic info Idahotokens! I found this placard online for A,W, Hanmer's . He apparently was quite a shifty character, His name is listed in several lawsuits, 1 of which went to the Michigan Supreme Court over a case involving 25 bushels of "Bohemian Oats" . I wonder, Does the NETCC give any information on who or what " M.F. & CO. " were? I presume they were the merchant the token was pressed for?
Thank-You. KC