Sadly, my family from germany (my late father's side)(in my case, were german jews) were ones of the millions slaughtered at the hands of the SS. (only my grandfather got away because of his family sending him away to america right before the horror of Kristallnacht took place).Hence since then, I have done much reading and research on Adolph and his henchmen thugs. And no, these men were wrong, 1939 was not the beginning of the SS. The SS slowly began with a few men back in the early 1920's, to surround Hitler as a protection unit of sorts. And by 1933, these few grew to a total of 50,000 men, who went by the name of "Schutzstaffel", aka SS. The rest as they say, is history. Though it seems that some people out there on other forums should double check their historic research a bit more. The plate is authentic.
- Deanna
ps. d2, No hard feelings towards you in the least. You posted a find that has some dark history to it, but that is that. Thank you for your courtesy, and for your kind words with this matter though. Plates such as these were used to "promote" the Third Reich to the German people and to promote Hitler as a leader who would "wash clean those who did not follow "German/Aryan principles and standards". And by the mid 30's, the Third Reich was already formally established, yet would not be historically acknowledged until the latter 1930's. Hope I was able to give you some bit of history and insight, and know that my anger lies not with you, but at people who assume they know that which they speak of, like those in that forum; for when one does not go by facts, but rather follows only assumptions or opinions, history is jaded, and tragedy will surely follow.
all the best to you always...