Navy SEALS ordered to remove ‘Don’t Tread On Me’ symbol from uniforms

Aug 20, 2009
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Navy SEALs ordered to remove ‘don’t tread on me’ Navy Jack from uniforms

Carl Higbie
Author, 'Battle on the Home Front

10:44 AM 11/01/2013

The Navy Jack is the ‘don’t tread on me’ flag, one that has earned a revered place in America’s naval history and a beloved place in sailor’s hearts, through its use for over two centuries. This symbol of America’s naval ferocity has spanned our country’s entire existence, flying from the masts of the Continental Navy during the war of independence, to today’s War on Terror. In fact, an amendment to the Navy code called SECNAV Instruction 10520.6 clearly states that as of 31 May 2002 all ships are to fly the flag throughout the duration of the War on Terror.

So why would ranking SEAL commanders ban the historical symbol? Is the proverbial top bass banning the flag? Is President Obama?

Clearly the administration and sycophant “top brass” officers have degraded America’s military prestige; from hand-tying rules of engagement, to uniform regulations that make our military allegedly more compatible with foreign forces, to the banning of an awe-inspiring flag that traces its roots to the first U.S. Navy. We have a civilian-led military, but why should our ranking commanders be complicit in the administration’s war on it? Why don’t they stand up to Obama and his leftist cronies?

During my two deployments to Iraq, “Don’t Tread on Me” was a phrase seen on nearly every uniform and platoon space — including mine. From patches to flags to large paintings on concrete barriers, our commanders themselves wore the insignia on their sleeves — until now.

Perhaps this is why so many of my former teammates felt compelled to send me the email below. They may not be able to expose the administration’s travesty, but I can. The email, dated October 22, reads:


WARCOM and GROUP TWO/ONE have pushed out the uniform policy for NWU III and any patches worn on the sleeve.

All personnel are only authorized to wear the matching “AOR” American Flag patch on the right shoulder. You are no longer authorized to wear the “Don’t Tread On Me” patch.

Again the only patch authorized for wear is the American flag on the right shoulder. Please pass the word to all


Senior Enlisted Advisor

[Name Redacted]

After reading the email, I first wondered, ‘why?’ (Actually, first I headed to the gym to take out my frustration and anger on some unsuspecting weights with the fury and intensity only a former Navy SEAL can exert.) Why would our leaders sell out our heritage? Why would they rob present and future sailors of our battle cry?

When a friend of mine asked his leadership the same question, he was told, “The Jack is too closely associated with radical groups.” We must assume that this thought policeman embedded in the SEAL community is speaking of the Tea Party, whose flag (which also dates from the American Revolution) depicts a snake with the same defiant slogan as The Navy Jack.

This begs yet another question: Who defines “radical group”? The last time I checked, all military personnel are under oath to “support and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” The Tea Party stands for constitutional rights and founding principles of civil liberties and limited government. Radical? Not unless you’re a leftist hell-bent on destroying the foundations of our country. Or as the President has stated as the objective of his presidency, “to fundamentally transform” America.

My friends asked me what they should do about this order. I answer them by saying, “You took an oath to defend this country from enemies foreign and domestic. Will you put your career before country? Will you put your career before your sacred oath?” I cannot tell anyone how to respond. I can tell you though that an enemy — foreign or domestic — that tries to take the Navy Jack from my uniform could only do so by ripping the patriotic patch from the uniform of my cold, dead body.

We all have choices to make. The Obama administration and the yes-men top brass have decided to wage war on our Navy’s heritage. Will the SEALs choose to defend that heritage and defy them, with all the impertinence the flag’s slogan implies? Or will they be tread upon?

and our flag should be white. Aircraft carrier designations used to be CVA or CVAN. CVA stood for carrier, aircraft, attack. CVAN meant the same thing except nuclear powered. They are now called CV or CVN. They took "Attack" out because it wasn't politically correct. We are treating the world theater like our school grounds and it WILL come back to bite us in the ass.
I guess the boys need to go to the tattoo parlor, that's what I'd do!

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I wasn't in the military, but I would encourage all those that are, to stand fast to that sacred oath and the honor to those who have given their time and lives so that we all can be thankful for the freedom that we do have. ''Wake Up America''

Oh hell, some damn offended snake objected and that's all it took. Just one snake gets offended and the rest of the country must change what they've done for generations!

Side note: Think maybe it was Rev Al or Rev Jessie!!??

On a serious note, as a vet too, I'm really sorry guys! This sucks!

I wasn't in the military, but I would encourage all those that are, to stand fast to that sacred oath and the honor to those who have given their time and lives so that we all can be thankful for the freedom that we do have. ''Wake Up America''

I was in OD, there is no expiration date on our oath to protect and DEFEND the Constitution from all enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. ....


We will NOT go quitely into the night!

I'm not surprised at all....saddened, but not surprised. Started seeing stuff like this my last few years in (retired in 2011). Nobody want's to make any waves and being PC in EVERYTHING is the name of the game now....


You're quite the buzzkill!

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

jb, you have to realize how easy it is to be duped by headlines these days. If you want to keep the snake patch on your uniform, you can keep the snake patch on your uniform.....COMMA

Red's copy and paste's are only from well respected vetted official news sources and should be all be taken at face value because some people live by the motto, "If it's on the internet it must be true."

But yes JB, you are the kind of guy that would simply ruin a great rumor with facts. Some people don't want facts, don't care what the truth is...

I read it, it conforms to what I want to believe, I'll pass it along as factual, please get all wound up with me and light the pitchforks full of hay please.

I am still in the military and soldiers and marines are always putting un-authorized patches and emblems on their combat uniforms. However, their commanders are COMPLETELY within regs to order those to be removed.

You give a lot of your freedoms when you take the oath to serve. As long as you wear the uniform, you are bound by the UCMJ whether you like all the rules or not. Once you leave you are free to condemn leaders and put whatever the hell you want on a uniform since it's no longer official and representing the nation.

Red's copy and paste's are only from well respected vetted official news sources and should be all be taken at face value because some people live by the motto, "If it's on the internet it must be true."

But yes JB, you are the kind of guy that would simply ruin a great rumor with facts. Some people don't want facts, don't care what the truth is...

I read it, it conforms to what I want to believe, I'll pass it along as factual, please get all wound up with me and light the pitchforks full of hay please.

Ill be honest with you GIB. I dont understand your post. I dont want to argue, I just want to better understand you, please.

It sounds to me like you are being sarcastic. You said "I read it, it conforms to what I want to believe, I'll pass it along as factual", which tells me you know it is a bunch of hogwash. But your further comment "please get all wound up with me and light the pitchforks full of hay please" makes me think I am the bad guy for pointing it out.

My intention around here is not to argue but to inform and correct inaccuracies.

Yet, you stick up for the regime as if it has done no wrong?

Fast & Furious
ACA - keeping your current policies
I could go on................

The corruption by the left makes Nixon look like a saint. No debates, just the TRUTH < - - That's what I am about.

jb, you cry out for someone to agree with you all the time, and then, as you have done before, you take it as sarcasm.

jb, you cry out for someone to agree with you all the time, and then, as you have done before, you take it as sarcasm.

Packer, if you read what GIB wrote, it is sarcasm. Again with this? Last time I asked for clarification about something you also cried foul. Cant a guy just ask for clarification for my own better understanding without thinking I am arguing against you?

Yet, you stick up for the regime as if it has done no wrong?

Fast & Furious
ACA - keeping your current policies
I could go on................

The corruption by the left makes Nixon look like a saint. No debates, just the TRUTH < - - That's what I am about.

Wrong. I am not "sticking up" for anything. I am challenging others to defend their baseless claims and back up their unbelievably biased statements.

Packer, if you read what GIB wrote, it is sarcasm. Again with this? Last time I asked for clarification about something you also cried foul. Cant a guy just ask for clarification for my own better understanding without thinking I am arguing against you?

Interesting. JB, I think you must be wound too tight. You are right GIB was being sarcastic,, and he was doing it in your favor. I don't agree with him,, but I thought it was a bit funny nonetheless.

Loosen up a little and you will find not everything is a personal attack against you.

It shouldn't surprise you that people agree with you from time to time, unless your goal is only to offend.

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