Jr. Member
Sep 13, 2014
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All Treasure Hunting
is this a seed pot? not your typical p IMG_1863.webpIMG_1864.webpIMG_1865.webpIMG_1866.webpIMG_1866.webpottery barn variety. the patterns are etched and it looks to have been constructed with coiled clay. thanks!IMG_1862.webp

Upvote 4
Very beautiful piece! :icon_thumleft:

You are asking if this is a native american pottery item? is that it?

A little background on where you obtained this item would be helpful.

If its native american I would say its not ancient. That a judgement call from the photographs. its virtually impossible to determine 100% authenticity from a photograph, but I have not seen an authentic native american ancient pottery with a glaze finish.

A tourist trade or modern native american would likely be a known maker with a makers mark - possibly, not always.

My gut feeling is not native american. If so, not old.

Nice color and design. Symmetric an well painted.

i was wondering if it was from a modern studio, or maybe mid 20th century. i got it at a thrift shop, and i usually don't buy pottery there but this one seems so well made, painted, and etched.

I think mid century (50's to 70's ) is right ! I too think this feels more like a production line piece , not a limited edition or a one off . Nice piece though !

pictures can only do so much i suppose. this pot is symmetrical and sturdy. it does not wobble on a flat surface. you can see fine tooling on the inside but it appears they're very fine. the concentric circle engraving is precise. i agree with the date but i cant see all this time being put into a production piece-just my opinion-no expert by far...

It is a beautiful piece. Try posting it in the North American Indian Artifacts forum, and see what those guys think.

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