Native American pottery help!


Dec 1, 2012
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I find a lot of pottery but know nothing about it. Can anyone shed some light on what I have found? How do I post pictures? I have about 6 pieces of pottery with black and white paint on them. They are an inch to 4 inches in size and were found in southeastern Arizona where an apache Indian massacre took place. Most are painted on the inside

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Welcome to t-net. Sound like older anasazi polychrome. Joshua will know. Tp post a pic hit reply and in the tool bar above you will see icons click until the one come up insert picture from computer. Try that. Hope that helps and keep trying to post if all else fails shoot me a PM.

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I am guessing that the black and white is Anasazi. I was gifted some once long ago for a frame. It looks like that. Member named Joshua Reams on here is the expert on that type. Maybe someone more knowledgeable than me will chime in:tongue3:. Got a lot of Western hunters..

thanks for the info! i will try to talk to joshua b/c i cant figure out what the circle piece of pottery is and i'd like to know what the mini hammer is. im pretty sure the other piece is an axe head!

thanks for the info! i will try to talk to joshua b/c i cant figure out what the circle piece of pottery is and i'd like to know what the mini hammer is. im pretty sure the other piece is an axe head!

I think the disk is what they refer to as a pottery disk reused from a broken piece of pottery as for use who knows I think ive seen a few drilled before also.

Id like to see a better pic of the Disc and maybe something for size on it and a side view of it showing if there is any grinding on the edges. If it is a Disc it would of been used for games. Thanks, rock

photo (5).JPGphoto (6).JPG it seems as though it is ground smooth but i'm no expert lol. Thanks again for all the help!

Id say Game Piece on it. I have found one or two before. They came in all sizes. It does have a little damage on the one side. Some came with decorations on them and some were painted. Mine are plain. Very nice find, rock

thanks Rock. I'm stoked to hear it is something they would have used for entertainment.

Nice read on that post

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