So I'd like to say hello, I have been lurking for a week, and just now decided to post. You guys are all very valuable sources of info. I tried my first hunt the other was a box of Garda halves, skunked. Kinda put a downer on things, but I have several banks to choose from, so we'll see about them in the near future.
My wife is a branch manager at a popular bigger-name bank in town, so I have access to SOME info regarding the interests of this website.
I think GARDA pulls silver. Can't confirm...any input on this?
I am a part-time car audio installer at a big box store in town - I was putting a radio in some chick's durango the other day when I smelled silver coming from the center console..(that was a lie. I opened it up and saw it.) So when I rang the woman(about 23) up I questioned her about it. She said that he g'pa runs a gas station, and they pull all old stuff that comes through. I offered her $30 for the 4oz cup of old coins and she bit. Melt value not including wheaties or non-silver nickels is $120. I gave her my me when you get more
Anywyas, hope to be a bit luckier on the boxes of Brinks from a competitor...
Anyone have luck with Brinks? Do you even have to unwrap the rolls to edge hunt since it's in clear plastic ?
Thanks alot!
My wife is a branch manager at a popular bigger-name bank in town, so I have access to SOME info regarding the interests of this website.
I think GARDA pulls silver. Can't confirm...any input on this?
I am a part-time car audio installer at a big box store in town - I was putting a radio in some chick's durango the other day when I smelled silver coming from the center console..(that was a lie. I opened it up and saw it.) So when I rang the woman(about 23) up I questioned her about it. She said that he g'pa runs a gas station, and they pull all old stuff that comes through. I offered her $30 for the 4oz cup of old coins and she bit. Melt value not including wheaties or non-silver nickels is $120. I gave her my me when you get more
Anywyas, hope to be a bit luckier on the boxes of Brinks from a competitor...
Anyone have luck with Brinks? Do you even have to unwrap the rolls to edge hunt since it's in clear plastic ?
Thanks alot!
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