Why would you bring back the one person who has you by the ***** and give him immunity to expose how you broke the law?
That's why it can't happen. President and others have too much to lose if he talks.
If he starts talking while he's overseas, see how long it takes for a drone or assassin to take him out.
Actually, I was talking about Congress granting the immunity for testimony. They have the power to do that. The President has no say in that .
I don't think that even O, will challenge Putin by using a drone strike on Russian soil, he's so far over his head now, he doesn't know if he's bored, stroked or punched.
I personally think Snowden is a whistle blower, not a traitor. He saw something that a gov. agency was doing that was not only unethical, but illegal. He knew it would cost him, but he did it anyway. Not many guts out there that big. Frank...
There is no way BO would put a drone strike in Russia. It would start WWIII. Even BO is smart enough to understand that.
.......Do this.Do something odd on the net.Say something weird.............
...No one died ..........
Not likely on this board .............
So, parts of this conversation are like the Boston Marathon - the government can either carry out a 100+ person way perfect staged event with no leaks, or are incompetent bumblers. You can't have it both ways.
I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. That's been my experience. The Bin Laden thing is a good example of that - the best of the professionals still had issues but pulled it off. Probability supports that hypothesis. Mathematical perfection and humans don't go well together.
Either Snowden is a traitor or patriot. You can't have it both ways.
Yep, no one died all right. That suggests that the program worked. I remember thinking about that early this year before this came out.
You don't have to believe the NSA chief that it made a difference, but the fact remains that there weren't many incidences, and no big stuff.
Sorry, you may choose to meekly surrender your, your children and your grand children's rights and freedoms in the name of lies and false security, I don't........
All they have to say is "Oh we stopped dozens of attacks, we just want tell you when, where or how" and some buy it hook line and sinker.....
Some people are so naive they never question, "it must be true, the government said so".....
I worked in intelligence I know how they lie and manipulate to get the desired effect....
Gulf of Tonkin.........
Snowdon is not a traitor, now the men who betrayed Seal Team 6 is a different story......