Myth or not


Full Member
May 1, 2008
Detector(s) used
Dfx, Prizm III, Ace 250
As I have been reading this forum, I remember my great grandfather telling me of an old lady who buried money Out from the town of Ridgley, Tn. I am 33 yrs old now and was told this when I was 5 to 7 yrs old. I know the field the house was in. the house was even gone as he told me the story back then. I know the farmer would give me permission to look, but heres my problem why would my great grandfather know about? I thought If people did bury money why would the word of a personal cache get out. Not to mention my Pioneer bounty hunter probably wouldnt even detect deep enough.

Can you get a twelve-inch coil for it? Carefully used, it should reach the arm's length depth of a typical small cache. As to why Grandpa would know, the smaller the town the less secret anything is.

Chip V.

Do research and see if you can find anything about the old lady and her money. If you do find something, file it away in one side of your brain. Next, grab your detector and head out to the place and let the other side of your brain enjoy looking for what MIGHT be there.

I would ask permission and take a look.

Back in your great grandfathers day Sears sold cache's just for that purpose. To hide money and valuables around the homestead.

I am sure it was a topic of conversation and probaly more then one person bought one. Normal enough.

The trick would be to find out were it was buried. It was a better time back then. More respect and people looking out for one another. If you can find a photo or the original survey of the land it would make it easier.

Do some research, get permission and have a great hunt. :thumbsup:

It wasn't unusual for people to know of folks that secreted their cash.

I was running a lead over 30 years ago and spoke with an old man who told me his father used to send him (as a boy) to borrow money from my great-great grandmother, who had sold a lot of cattle in the early 1900s. His father always asked my GGGM a day in advance, and George would walk to her farm the following day to pick up the cash (always gold coins, according to George) and return it to his father. When the loan was due, George carried the cash back, and it always had to be in gold coin.

Alas, although my family believes the gold is still hidden on the old place, my research says "NO".

GGGM had a stroke and died shortly afterward. She had a grandson who was living with her at the time. Shortly after her passing, he moved to Gainsville, FL and opened a livery stable and became successful.

He was young and had no assets while living with her.

You figure out where that cache went.......


""Alas, although my family believes the gold is still hidden on the old place, my research says "NO".""

don't be too quick to say "no", the grandson may have found one of the cache sites by carefully watching grandma, but people who hid money often made a habit of it and NOT JUST IN ONE PLACE! The grandson may have accessed the 'checking account', the 'in-out-and in again' cache site, but the larger 'CD's', (Cache Deposits), may still be there. A relative of my wife died a year or two ago, and when the widow was cleaning things out to sell the place with the help of my father-in-law, they found multiple caches of cash.
Unfortunately the farm sold and is no longer available for searching, but I doubt they found it all there either.
They got the easy stuff, they never even looked for 'post hole banks'. Doing a title search even turned up another whole FARM that the widow didn't know that they owned! When people hide things it becomes a habit and a habit is something that you keep doing, over and over and over again.

I'm working an old was WELL known the old dude who lived there was total fruit cake and hid stuff all over. Found one hidey hole already (EMPTY, go figure), but he made no secret of hiding his loot.

Cache Crazy said:
Do research and see if you can find anything about the old lady and her money. If you do find something, file it away in one side of your brain. Next, grab your detector and head out to the place and let the other side of your brain enjoy looking for what MIGHT be there.
I agree with Cache Crazy. I hunted at a friends farm in Michigan when I lived there that was rumored to have a large cache somewhere on the property.

Though I didn't find anything of real value, to this day keep thinking about where it might be stashed.The one place I never got to was the huge barn with the dirt floor. What a perfect place. Concealed from the dirt road, and invisible to the neighbors. If I ever get back there that'll be where I focus my efforts.


People back in the old days knew more about a neighbor 5 miles away than we know about a
neighbor next door . People used to live as a community & people knew who had money & who
didn't . Also a lot of old timers didn't have bank accounts & paid in cash . It probably wouldn't be
a secrete if someone had money & no bank account .
Generations of families also tended to stay in the same general area a lot more than people do
today . If someone died off & was known to have money & the money never showed up in some
form , ie , younger members of the family suddenly becoming more well to do ect . then people
in the community wondered what happened to the money .
There are several rumors of old timers that hid money that was never found in my area . I'm
sure some of them are just rumors but some are probably true .
Just some of my thoughts on the topic . HH

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