The worst was out on the farm in OH when we would gather for Thanksgiving or Christmas. There would be several aunts and several uncles and maybe ten cousins staying overnight. There was a WC (water closet, a free standing closet with a chamber pot inside) for the adults and a chamber pot outside each of the two rooms where the boys and girls slept. We boys slept sideways across the bed so five of us could sleep in one twin bed, same for the girls, since there weren't enough rooms in the old farm house for the amount of people staying over. As you can imagine, the meals were fantastic and huge, with great fresh food and auntie baked pies, and everybody ate until about to burst at the seams. Next morning Uncle would call all the boys together and we'd draw straws to see who had to empty all three pots out in the outhouse. Three pots the morning after a huge Thanksgiving meal!! That was one chore none of us boys wanted, but it had to be and did get done. But it was a way of life and nobody thought anything about it, somebody in every old house had to empty the pot or pots in the morning during cold weather. By the way, there was a hand pump in the kitchen for water in that old farm house as the only indoor water source.