Sweet mercy! My ship came in last night. I found a silver quarter hoard! I had been anxiously waiting for "my turn" with these babies.
Previous to last night I had found 11 silver quarters (plus one Canadian silver quarter) in 125,180 quarters searched, zero in the last 19,370. I last found one on October 10th. And then last night just as I was thinking, "man, why I am still searching these, I should just buy a few," the last roll of the 3,320 quarters I was searching produced 11 silver quarters! I was ecstatic. I yelled out and ran downstairs to show my wife. The varieties were:
1937, 1944, 1947, 1951, 1954S, 1962D(4), 1964, 1964D
Five of them were varieties I needed and the 1937 is now my oldest quarter found. What a night! I also found five Canadians.
During the evening I also searched one box of halves (1,000 coins) and found one mint set half, 2004P.
This morning I finished searching 16,000 dimes (breaking the 400,000 mark for the year). They produced six silver Rosies (1954, 1956D, 1959, 1961, 1964, 1964D), eighteen Canadians, and one Panama 10¢.
Previous to last night I had found 11 silver quarters (plus one Canadian silver quarter) in 125,180 quarters searched, zero in the last 19,370. I last found one on October 10th. And then last night just as I was thinking, "man, why I am still searching these, I should just buy a few," the last roll of the 3,320 quarters I was searching produced 11 silver quarters! I was ecstatic. I yelled out and ran downstairs to show my wife. The varieties were:
1937, 1944, 1947, 1951, 1954S, 1962D(4), 1964, 1964D
Five of them were varieties I needed and the 1937 is now my oldest quarter found. What a night! I also found five Canadians.
During the evening I also searched one box of halves (1,000 coins) and found one mint set half, 2004P.
This morning I finished searching 16,000 dimes (breaking the 400,000 mark for the year). They produced six silver Rosies (1954, 1956D, 1959, 1961, 1964, 1964D), eighteen Canadians, and one Panama 10¢.