My first time THing, My first finds



My first time TH'ing, My first finds


I just couldn't take it anymore! I purchased a detector last night on eBay and haven't received it yet. However, my Father-In-Law just got a Whites Beachhunter ID for XMAS and he let me borrow it for the day. I went down to a local park and just started hunting an pecking (after I read the manual and figured how to set it up,....I think :))

Well, I found some stuff,...clad mostly (83 cents). But I did find an interesting item and I've included a pic of it here for everyone to see. Maybe someone has seen this before and can tell me what it's from or about how old they think it might be. Here's the pic;


here is a link to more photos:

They are quite large so be patient. The pics show the front and back of the item. The image is made in copper as far as I can tell, and the back seems to be lead. I've been told that it's probably a newspaper ad press/stamp plate. That sounds right to me, but what do I know :)

I was hoping someone might have seen this image before somewhere or might know how old it could be. I'm really 'diggin', no pun intended, this metal detecting stuff!!!!!

Keep in mind everyone, this is the first time I've touched a metal detector so don't expect much :)


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Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds

Cool Relic find, congrats! 8) Sure looks like some kind of old stamp to me.

Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds

That's an excellent find. Been digging for years and haven't got one of those! So there, we do expect more from you ASAP.

Have fun and happy hunting!

Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds

Thanks guys,

here's the kicker,....I was done hunting for the day and was about 200 yards from my Van. I was walking back to the Van and had forgotten to turn of the detector. Well, as luck would have it, the thing went off out in the middle of the field (the middle of nowhere :)). It startled me at first because I thought I had the machine turned off. Started digging and finally got to it at about 8" deep. I know it's not valuable, at least I don't think it's worth anything, but I was very happy to pull something out other than a penny or a quarter.

I'll post everything I find for everyone to check out. I can use the advice and help when ever I can get it!


Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds

I'd have to agree it's a stamp of some sort. Can you or anyone for that matter think of any place that used the logo(motto) Don't miss this one? Might help in figuring what the stamp was for. Is the guy on the stamp holding a bottle of some sort? Great find and thanks for sharing.

Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds


The guy on the stamp is rolling up his sleeve. Take a close look and you'll see it.


Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds

nice stamp

You can stamp it in play doo and see it better.theplay doo will not harm it.

good luck. 8)


Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds

Looks like the mascot from Kip's Big Boy or the old Tasty Freeze Or Dairy Queen restaurants.

Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds

Try putting somthing that will make mark, as in INK or somthing themn u will be able to read it, (after u stamp it on paper..) HH CS

Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds

It's funny how relief cuts fool your eyes.? My suggestion if you want to see the image is, roll out some silly putty or some play-do and push the stamp into it lightly.? When you do, take another picture and post it. I think it's someone winding up for a pitch~CO2

Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds

its a printers plate notice the words a back words hence the strange eye releif
have a hebrew print plate found at a freinds house years ago in basement still have
it dont know y just enjoy the craftmenship. ;D

Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds

That's a neat find! My brother found one of those plates in an old yard that was an ad for fine china plates back in the thirties. Would be neat also if you could trace its origin. Giterdone

Re: My first time TH'ing, My first finds

Ok everyone,

I'm gonna stop by "Toys R US" on the way home and pick up some play-dough. I'll take another pick and post if for everyone to check it out.

By the way, thanks for all the posts on this :)


PS: I get my Fisher 1280X on Friday! Can't wait! I'm about to come out of my skin I'm so damn excited!

OH, I almost forgot....The other day was the first time I've ever detected,...MAN! are my hamstrings sore now! ;D I'm really out of shape!

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