my first silver dime followed by three more out of the same hole!


Gold Member
Jul 12, 2017
East TX
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Teknectics eurotek pro
bounty hunter time ranger
bounty hunter quick draw 2
used a teroso compadre.
Primary Interest:
hello all i went for a hunt at a spot i hit in the past pretty hard but you all know the saying never hunted out i started digging scrap metal then i get this slamming sweet signal i knew was going to be something good my first silver dime 1952 d i scanned the hole again and got another signal another silver dime a 1964 i scanned again hoping for more and two more popped out another 1964 d and another 1952 d my first all silver spill. Thanks for looking Happy Hunting :hello: P1100412.JPGP1100413.JPGP1100414.JPGP1100415.JPGP1100416.JPGP1100417.JPGP1100418.JPGP1100419.JPG

Upvote 43
Congrats! Nice find!

HH, Bill

Well done! Congrats on your first silver spill, all I've managed is 2 silvers in a plug, a few different times. Stack that silver! Ddf.

Nice. I'm glad there wasn't any clad in there!

I love this hobby!

I love those silver spills Ive found 6 or 7 it helps make up for all the times you go out and find zero the all too familiar goose egg good job

sure ain't nothing wrong with your first being your first four. :icon_thumright:

Wow, I've never found a 4 silver dime spill. Did find 4 silver quarters once though. Nicely done, you won't forget that!!

Very nice!
Always check them holes again as those coins just spill out of them pockets:occasion14:

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