My first real relic!


Jr. Member
Jan 1, 2009
Bucks County, PA
Detector(s) used
Garrett Ace 250
Okay, I feel kinda silly being as excited as I am over this, after I see all the awesome stuff everyone else is digging, but I want to share this anyway. After getting disgusted with my own yard because of the many, MANY stupid nails I've been digging (the cut nails are still cool, but most of them end up being modern roofing nails), I almost gave up on it. But a few of y'all encouraged me to keep at it, and boy am I glad I did.

I believe I may have discovered an area that might have been used as a junk heap. Either that, or I've found the rubble pile left over from when half the house burned down many years ago. I have a circa 1850 stone farmhouse in eastern PA. I finally stopped digging all metal and turned the discriminator to Coins. Now most of the signals I get with my Ace 250 read as somewhere between dimes and dollars, but most of them still come up as nails. And most read as 8+ inches down, so I don't dig a lot of them because I don't want to completely tear up our yard.

It's been hard enough helping it come back from a mole infestation a few years ago. Those little 2-inch holes all over were bad, and I don't wanna put great big ones in there now, too. But I did go out a few times last week when I only had about an hour before losing the light and didn't wanna waste my time driving.

So, I got a signal that read 6-8 inches down, but it made my indicator jump all over the place and just BLASTED out that "ding-ding" sound that I think sounds like a slot machine. So I started digging, and about 8 inches down, under two or three large, flat bricks and stones, I found a really old hand-forged hoe head. That thing was so well made that I could put it on the end of a handle today and go right to work! You can see the hand-set rivets on the back and everything (though they barely show up in the bad photo, sorry -- I retouched just enough so you can see them).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos, and if anyone knows what I can do to preserve this puppy so it won't continue to deteriorate, I'd appreciate it. I've already tossed it in a fire for several hours to shed some scale, which it really did. I'm thinking I should wax it or something...


  • Hoe Head 1.lo.jpg
    Hoe Head 1.lo.jpg
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  • Hoe Head 2.lo.jpg
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  • Hoe Head 3.lo.jpg
    Hoe Head 3.lo.jpg
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  • Hoe Back.lo.jpg
    Hoe Back.lo.jpg
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Wow! That is one cool looking tool!!
Congrats on your persistence and a really nice find!


Cool find, I use custom mode on my 250, depending on what you are looking for, I eliminate everything but 5cent to 1cent for (gold) and 10 cent to 50 cent for silver and coins. Just my technique and I have a lot of finds and don't miss the good stuff. GL HH

Great old tool there! I LOVE good iron finds. Old tools, stirrups, lock plates, musket parts, ramrods, padlocks, cannonballs and shells, and so forth are most Certainly desirable iron finds to make.

STH69 said:
Cool find, I use custom mode on my 250, depending on what you are looking for, I eliminate everything but 5cent to 1cent for (gold) and 10 cent to 50 cent for silver and coins. Just my technique and I have a lot of finds and don't miss the good stuff. GL HH

For beach hunting perhaps. But not for relic hunting. In fact, as soon as you get into any place where old finds are to be had, you will miss targets. Relic mode on the Ace, or with only one notch (the lowest one) notched out is the only way to go.

Just ask my buddy rodeo recon. He has had his Ace 250 for two years. This is one year's worth of finds:

Photos #1-10 and #15-16 are his display cases, plus the two railroad locks, the large iron knife, and the finds in the next to the last photo in reply #2 (with the two spurs at the top of the photo):,211202.0.html

Best Wishes,


Hey WildHeart , encouragement all the way , because you are an example of what this sport ( adventure ) is all ,

about - and that would be the PASSION !!! the finds will come , but they really are secondary to the heart , that

is the essence of true treasure hunting !!! and I have witnessed your posts - you've got it - We all go thru those

fallow periods , where we are lucky indeed if we even find a wheatie - these times are very , very , important - as

they set us up for the really nice find ! Obviously this is my opinion but i believe it to be truthfull . Sincerely,



Well there you go! All you need to do now is run down to the Home Depot and pick up a handle and you've got a time proven garden implement! That is, if you are into gardening or that sort of thing. <grin> Cool find. Kind of makes you wonder what sort of things future generations are going to discover or dig up from our time doesn't it?

** Future post **

It was AMAZING! I was outdoors today trying out my new holographic ground penetrating sonic imager unit and I found some really odd relics! I was exploring an older part of town that used to be what they called back then a "Sub division". Can you believe that people actually lived in individual units that they called "Houses". A single family or sometimes even a single individual would live in a building separate and all to themselves! Some of these "Houses" had several partitions that they called rooms. Anyway, I was detecting around what used to be a 'house' in the burbs and I came across several items that I recorded.. this little thing was called a cell phone, it was used to communicate with one another electronically. CAN YOU IMAGINE? I mean having to physically punch numbers and hold these things to your head to communicate with someone else? Not like now when we can just think of the person we wish to speak to and our cerebral implants instantly connect us telepathically. And this other thing is or was called a television set. People back then "watched" them with their eyes no less, to be entertained or to receive information that was "broadcast" over the airwaves. Wow! Life must have been hard back then huh?

**** laughing ****

~Happy Hunting~


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