Well today I finally blew a sigh of relief. I finally dug up 2 hand-blown bottles in a huge homestead dump. The poison was made between 1890-1915 and I have no idea about the other bottle, maybe a milk bottle?
For the past couple of days all ive found are modern bottles and I was starting to think that it was a modern dump. Then, I saw a bottle sticking out and pulled it out a hand blown bottle! then I picked up a modern bucket. I removed some snow and there it was! the poison. Should I keep digging?
Farm , I would be diggin it ,you bet !!!! Good Luck !!! Dumps could have been used for years,old on bottom new on top,it could have been turned as well , old lying right next to new ,even privys I have dug started out in the 40s and at the bottom were 1890.
Thanks! I hope to find some great bottles! when I find my next hand blown bottle I will post it. The weird thing is that its in the middle of the woods. Do you think this could be a major dump site on the property?
Its really funny because no metal detector was needed! I just walked through the woods and there it was. there are two sides of the dump. could one side be older than the other?
Super that both of your fine bottles are intact! In my eyes, that blue one is outstanding!Possibly the clear bottle was for milk or cream. I lived on an old homestead in upstate New York forty years ago, where I found the dump back in the woods near one of the old stone walls. Dug several intact bottles among the broken ones and the junk. You'll probably also dig some neat locally-made bottles from that dump as I did. Keep us posted on what else you discover! Andi
Congrats on the little blue poison. I'm assuming it's under 4in. Does it have "Poison" on 2 sides? What does the bottom look like?
I'm again assuming the clear one is not much taller. I cannot see the lip from way over here. It looks like it may be a small olive jar, or some pickled foodstuff.
I'd like to see better photos, if you have the chance, please.
Surf, here is a picture of the side and bottom of the poison bottle. It says U D co. on the bottom which stands for united drug co. Sadly, I forgot to say that the bottle is broken in two ...