My Destiny


Silver Member
Feb 22, 2005
Spring Hill, Florida
I got up this morning looking forward to a great day of MD'ing. I was not disappointed either! It was a beautiful morning at the beach! Just wish I'd had my water detector. STILL NO ANSWER FROM THEM ABOUT THAT! It's been over a month now and I've emailed them twice and both times I've been told that they were forwarding my email on to their techs and "they" would get back with me on the status. They STILL haven't! But I digress......

Back to my beautiful morning.

My daughter and grandson went down with me this morning and she was sure she was going to find Blackbeards treasure chest. LOL ::)

Well she didn't find it but did manage a quarter and a dime. Not bad for her second time out!


My grandson did not want to hunt but wanted to just play at the edge of the water and look for his own brand of treasure. He found some pretty shells etc. We kept our eye on him.

I didn't do so bad at all this morning. I started getting coins right off the bat. Nothing exciting but penny after penny and then...................... BANG I found a gold dollar. YEP! I like those! Next I found out a boogie board. Now usually when I find those they are broken but this one was not. It was half buried in the sand but intact'! I gave it to my grandson and he had a ball with it to play along the edge of the water.

I kept on hunting and got another big hit... BANG! This one was a ring. Oh yes, I said a ring.


Now for my destiny. I believe it is my destiny to clear the beach of all the junk rings so that you gng's can find the "good" stuff. ;D My ring is a junk ring. No markings at all and you can see on the sides where the color is rubbing off. Ah well, it is pretty anyway and I'll take it!


My total take for this morning is $2.49, a junk ring, a boogie board oh yes and let me not forget my little plastic turtle sand toy. It was a great morning! I'll take it. I hope yours was as good if not better!

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It was a beautiful day for a hunt. Congrats Mumszie :thumbsup:

HalfSpeed said:
Great post Mumszie :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I'll bet that ring got the ticker thumping for a while!

It sure did, HalfSpeed but I saw almost immediately that the sides were worn and it was not a "real" one but still..... a ring is a ring so I'm not kicking! ::)

Like you said "a ring is a ring."

Either way it's the excitement of the hunt; of course gold and money are the pluses.

That stinks that they are keeping your machine this long. Let's hope that it's back soon.

Did you get a chance to check out the dry sand area of the beach that I sent you the message about? I think it will be a good spot this year being that the Tarpon beach is closed.


And I thank you for that ;D Time for that back-up water machine huh???? Nice going anyways Mumszie

Hey you got your goal, gold (gold COLORED coin anyway) and a ring....and other goodies as well! Very sweet day! Congrats pretty lady! :icon_sunny:

Nice ring mumszie, I have yet to find one of those gold dollars.

That's too bad about your other detector, hopefully you'll hear something soon.


Great finds, Mumszie :thumbsup:

:wink: RR

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