I took some time to look around a bit more. The sword looks to be a version of an Austro Hungarian civil servants parade sword. BUT.... I can't find an exact match anywhere. The ones I have found have a different shell guard and do not have the shield on the grip. The base of the blade should be stamped with a makers mark, if there is one please post a pic, it could be under the shell.
Not finding an exact match isn't too worrying in itself as I found s few different variations online, but there are a few things that are kind of off about it that I would advise having an expert have a look at, the Wehrmacht forum also has an "Imperial Militaria Forum" that would be a good place to post it for opinions. My main concerns are that the cross guard seems unevenly cast, there appears to be remnants of silver wash on some parts but not others, the ferrule at the base of the grip is different from the others I've found, and the patina just looks strange.
None of that immediately means the sword isn't genuine, it could be a privately purchased sword that was maybe not top of the line. I would say post it in that forum and ask about the things I pointed out and see what the experts have to say