My biggest surprise while panning


Jr. Member
Mar 11, 2013
Globe, AZ
Primary Interest:
I thought this story might be fun to share with you and lets see what other interesting things have happened to us while we were out doing our favorite past time.
The place I was prospecting was just over the hill from a stock tank ( waterhole for cattle) on the outskirts of Globe Arizona.It was an exceptionally warm spring day as I sat next to the pond with my bucket of dirt and my goldpan. I was busy working my pan when I heard a vehicle drive up,shut off the motor, and the door open and shut. A young man came walking over and asked if I was finding any, to which I replied "sure am" with a great big smile. He hung around for a short while making small talk and then said so long and good luck. He walked back toward his truck and then I heard a loud splash from somewhere on the pond. I never took my eyes off my panning and assumed that the stranger had thrown a branch or something into the water. Then I heard the guy say in a loud whisper
" What would you say he would go? About 300 lbs? ". That finally got my attention so I turned to see what he was talking about and saw him crouching behind some weeds but looking at something at the far side of the pond. Thats when I turned my head to see what he was looking at and saw this big black bear coming out of the water. He shook himselh just as a dog does to dry himself, and then lumbered off , disappearing into the manzanita and scrub oak. I couldnt believe that this bear had actually come right down and jumped into the pond with me sitting right there no more than 50 ft away. But what amazes me more is that I was so engrossed in panning that I never even looked up to see what had made that splash. I would not have looked if it had not been for the guy asking me if I thought it would weigh 300 lbs. I would say that bear was easily 300 lbs. I would liked to have been ready with a camera and took his picture. Oh well.
Well thats my biggest surprise while panning. Lets hear about yours.

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Don't know what the area is like, but on a hot day like
that a dip in a cool pond sounds like a winner. Good
thing he ignored the fact that you were panning in his
swimming hole..

Biggest surprise? Wow...tough to pick just one thing. Bears
aren't all that uncommon up here, but the best would likely be
when I was about 20, and was doing some panning in [what
I thought] was a fairly remote canyon with a beautiful, crystal
clear creek running through it.

Heard a sound downriver, looked up and here comes 2 (two) gorgeous
gals, and both of 'em were flat out buck nekked .... nuttin' on but
their boots!

I must have turned a couple shades of red when they both
said "Hi!" as they walked by and continued their hike upsteam.
It was a great day, although I didn't find so much as a speck of gold...8-)

Ha ha ha, Now thats what I'm talking about. Good story, thanks Dizzydigger for sharing that. I'm gonna hafta find that creek. Wow!

Creek he'll! I gonna have to find those gals!

I was in a new, remote section of a steep river canyon. I had backpacked downriver, camped under the stars, and now was testing a gravel bar at the upstream
end of a big rapids area. Totally alone, and concentrating on my panning. Heard a commotion in the water straight out from the bank, looked up, and my heart
leapt into my throat. What appeared to be a black, two-humped "Loch Ness monster" had risen from the river, and was heading my way. Turns out, it was a couple snorkel-snipers in full wetsuits, goggles, and snorkles. We shared a cigarette, BSed about gold, and they headed on upstream. Meanwhile, I lit another cig, with still shaky hands - lol.

My biggest surprise. Hmmm.
I'd been driving around in the hills for years with my gold pans behind the seat. Never been used yet. I crossed this brook that was at a very small waterfall. It's dark at this point since I just finished trying to archery hunt a deer. No luck. Well after I crossed this brook, I remembered seeing my pan behind the seat. This seemed like a good spot to hit. Now, I've never panned before but seen it done. Remove big rocks, dig into gravel, shake the pan to agitate the gravel, then wash off the lighter material. Repeat till down to black sand.
Now, once again it's dark. So I worked it down until I don't hear the gravel in the pan. Go to the front of the truck and used headlights to wash the sands down. Then after a couple swirls. Bam!!! A nice quarter inch flake looking at me. What do I put this in? I know a certs box. Well I found three more of these guys in my first pan. Man panning is easy!!!!!
So I put these four flakes into the box and put it on my hood. That way I could continue to see what else is there. After a couple of swirls, I hear the trees rustle and then I hear this tapping noise on the hood and then something hits the ground. Crap!!!! It's my box!! On the ground!!! Plus it's not upright. What's be the chances? Anyways, I look in the box. Empty. :(. No flashlight, no pointer to possibly hit the flakes. They're gone.
I told you panning is easy.
Still have yet to get a pan with those sized flakes again. Even went back again years later. Nothing. Lol.

Creek he'll! I gonna have to find those gals!

I'd guess those gals were about 25(ish) back then, so they would
have to be pushing 60 by now.

Are you sure you wanna find 'em?

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SF Yuba has them naked folks all over the ,got many pounds there and son got sex education early there too. Purdone Crossing gold was kool, all the freaks NOT-John--PS-ancient Feldler under the bridge


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DD similar thing happened to me in the El Pasos. These ladies however had a couple of ice cold Margeritas!

DD similar thing happened to me in the El Pasos. These ladies however had a couple of ice cold Margeritas!

Rodo, I think I need to find another honeyhole! Get it? Ooops , sorry bout that. I'll try to contain my excitment next time. L o l....,

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